Hacking Users That Connected to Wifi ANDROID // Dsploit


Yeni üye
15 Kas 2020
Checking Wifi Network With Android Device // Dsploit

Friends, I will introduce you to the Wifi Hack Program.
First of all, the device must have ROOT. Otherwise, the program does not work. The program is running. Its coding is based on Linux. You can work on the wi-fi you are connected to.

For example; Discard those that are connected to the wi-fi. To be able to view Facebook, twitter, gmail, passwords of those connected. It has the feature of looking at port.

Packet collection, Password Cracking, If the guy is on the computer, you can instantly send the photo you want to him while he is on the computer. For example, when you send a picture to him while browsing the news on the internet, if he presses somewhere else, almost all of the pictures on the page turn into the picture you sent. Or you can send a video.

Another feature is that you can see what he is browsing with scan. As you can understand it is based on hacking.

Dsploit is old. The new version has been changed to Zanti and has been replaced by google play.










Short information about the active parts I used in the application content...

Received-Sent data: As its name implies, it monitors the data traffic on the network.

Cut the target's internet: I guess there is no need to explain ..

Redirect: If you type the URL you want in this field, the victim cannot enter anywhere else except the Url you typed.

Change Images: Direct the picture either in phone memory or on the url all images on the victim's web page will be replaced with the image you sent.

Replace Videos: Same as Picture.

Sending a Message to the Page: It allows the text you will write to fall on the victim's screen.

Custom Filter: Set a target word. For example, our word is "economical". Set it as "hello" . When the victim reads the news, he will see the word "hello" instead of every "economic ".

http://link.tl/UzPs ------- DOWNLOAD

Since there are multiple hacking tools (network infiltration, modem control, port scanning, ip detection, internet disconnection, network control etc.) included in the application content, viruses are detected in virustotal scanning. But there is absolutely no backdoor etc. The application does not belong to me, it is installed on my device, I am using it.

The official website of the zANTI application, which is the latest version of dSploit:

https://www.virustotal.com/tr/file/d44ff350042c24be06ca1fe9f3c3fa998c600a6428103a37b9 b71bfd42979aea/analysis/

source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/google...nicilari-hackleme-android-turkce-dsploit.html
çevirmen/translator: Captainyarimca
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