Havij - Best SQL Injection Tools


Yeni üye
26 Şub 2011
Merhaba Efendiler

Burda Yeni SQL Injection Tools sizlere tanisidiyurum

Havij v1.14 Advanced SQL Injection Tool released. New features of this version are:
Sybase (ASE) database added.
Sybase (ASE) Blind database added.
Time based method for MsSQL added.
Time based method for MySQL added.
mod_security bypass added.
Pause button added.
Basic authentication added
Digest authentication added.
Post Data field added
bugs related with dot character in database name fixed
syntax over writing when defined by user in blind injections fixed.
mssql database detection from error when using JDBC driver corrected.
time out bug in md5 cracker fixed.
default value bug fixed
string encode bug fixed in PostgreSQL
injecting URL rewrite pages added.
injecting into any part of http request like Cookie, User-Agent, Referer, etc made available
a bug in finding string column fixed. (specially for MySQL)
Finding columns count in mysql when input value is non effective added.
window resize bug in custom DPI setting fixed.
some bugs in finding row count fixed.
getting database name in mssql error based when injection type is guessed integer but it's string fixed.

1. Supported Databases with injection methods:
MsSQL 2000/2005 with error
MsSQL 2000/2005 no error union based
MySQL union based
MySQL Blind
MySQL error based
MySQL time based
Oracle union based
MsAccess union based
MsAccess Blind
Sybase (ASE)
Sybase (ASE) Blind
2. HTTPS Support
3. Proxy support
4. Automatic database detection
5. Automatic type detection (string or integer)
6. Automatic keyword detection (finding difference between the positive and negative response)
7. Trying different injection syntaxes
8. Options for replacing space by /**/,+,... against IDS or filters
9. A**** using strings (magic_quotes similar filters bypass)
11. Manual queries with result
12. Bypassing illegal union
13. Full customizable http headers (like referer,user agent and ...)
14. Load cookie from site for authentication
15. Http Basic and Digest authentication
18. Real time result
19. Guessing tables and columns in mysql<5 (also in blind) and MsAccess
20. Fast getting tables and columns for mysql
27. Multi thread Admin page finder
28. Multi thread Online MD5 cracker
29. Getting DBMS Informations
30. Getting tables, columns and data
31. Command executation (mssql only)
32. Reading system files (mysql only)
33. insert/update/delete data

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