Introduction to Deep Intelligence


Moderasyon Ekibi Lideri
7 Tem 2013
# Deep Intelligence #

Deep Intelligence: It takes into account both the physiognomy and the spiritual behavior of the people who are our target.

# Deep Intelligence in Virtual Platform #

Thanks to today's technology, part of Intelligence has extended its arms to the Internet Network, also called Virtual Platform. This environment has generally helped the acquisition of deep knowledge. Because some experts can hide their identities very well. In providing intelligence, all possibilities should be evaluated. While working in a Virtual Platform, we must remember that our target is a human, and a human is being open to exploitation. Thanks to intelligence, all these weaknesses appear one by one.

# Deep Intelligence Preparation in Virtual Platform #

Before attacking our target, we need to hide as much as possible. The most important of the privacy methods is identifying information that we'll establish in our minds with the IP address and USER-AGENT information. The identity we'll create in our minds, it must vary from target to target because man's greatest vulnerability is the actions he is fond of. So at this stage, we have to make ourselves the twin of the target. After we deal with the identity part, we can change the IP with the help of VPNs. VPN ******** should be selected according to the country where our target is located. If the target is in a foreign country, the English language should be learned because it's a global language. User-Agent information is a series of evidence files that the web browser we use sends when connecting to web addresses and stores information about our device. If our device is android and it has root access, let's go to this directory and adapt the information we want: We can change /data/local/chrome-command-line and information such as your device brand, serial number, and android version in this file as we wish.


# How Can We Do It? #

We need to make him feel that we're in peace with the target, for this we need to understand the target first. Understanding involves more than half the job. To understand the target, we need to identify the Virtual environments where the target is located. The easiest way to do this is through Google. For example, let's try to find all the accounts of person AB, to find them by phone number: We can search in the form of phonebook: + AREA CODE number. If the number is not known: site: "" "" "" intext: Name Surname
Thanks to the google search, we can find all the accounts of the target person. Let's look at contacting the target once we have the account. It's almost impossible to understand the mimics of the target in a virtual platform, but we can learn the structure of the target by establishing appropriate sentences if we make contact. Because if they aren't experts, the sentences people say reveal their identity. To use this vulnerability in a virtual platform, it's necessary to gain trust with the person, and to gain trust, efficient and long contact must be established.


Btw, "AB" is the name of the person that you want to search for on Google.

Source: "Squ4LL
Çevirmen/Translator Gauloran
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