Lordi - Bring It On (The Raging Hounds Return)


Katılımcı Üye
21 Nis 2008
Tepkime puanı
Hello, I am me, who the hell are you?
I bring a word from the dead
This is the day they shall re-animate
And get their claws on your necks

A pack of raging wolves are howling
Awakes from their sleep of sin
hail to the creeps -HAIL!
Thunder unleashed - HAIL!
No beasts so fierce

Bring it on, bring it on big time
Bring it on, Bring it on down
Bring it on
the rancorous return from their graves
Won't you bring it on, bring it on big time
bring it on, bring it on down
bring it on
behold your town will burn
as the raging hounds return

The rampant helldogs
rampaging near
the unholy prolifarates
they taste your blood
and they smeel your fear
on your mark - get set -

A pack of raging wolves are howling
Awakes from their sleep of sin
hail to the creeps -HAIL!
Thunder unleashed - HAIL!
No beasts so fierce

Bring it on, bring it on big time
Bring it on, Bring it on down
Bring it on
the rancorous return from their graves
Won't you bring it on, bring it on big time
bring it on, bring it on down
bring it on
behold your town will burn
as the raging hounds return

Ominious hae
dispersing by the moonlights order
they got their prey
theyre gone with your daughters claimed their souls
turned 'em into martyrs
they will burn
as the hounds return

Bring it on, bring it on big time
Bring it on, Bring it on down
Bring it on
the rancorous return from their graves
Won't you bring it on, bring it on big time
bring it on, bring it on down
bring it on
behold your town will burn
as the raging hounds return

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