MAC Flooding Attack


Adanmış Üye
3 Tem 2016
Hello guys, it's sad that our forum is filling up with unnecessary and fixed exploit topics and that's why i wanna show how to local attack to servers for devilish users.

Our method will be MAC flooding but, what is it actually?

In computer networking, a media access control attack or MAC flooding is a technique employed to compromise the security of network switches. The attack works by forcing legitimate MAC table contents out of the switch and forcing a unicast flooding behavior potentially sending sensitive information to portions of the network where it is not normally intended to go.

So how to perform that attack?

Absolutely i'm not gonna say something like open some tool in kali.. I'm more of Ubuntu person. That's why i need to talk about its installation, too.

But if there's anyone who still uses Kali (alive dinasours) they also can perform it.

sensei@splinter:~$ apt-get install dsniff

We need to install dsniff package first to be able to install main tool.

It's gonna ask yes or no, just type 'y' and press 'Enter' to continue.

That's it!

Now, it's time to attack....

We need to find out which network interface we are in. If we try to guess it, it'll take a couple try but i'm too lazy to do that.

sensei@splinter:~$ ifconfig

After you run that command, on the left in the first line you gonna see something like 'eth0' or 'eth1'. That's our network interface.

Now, it's tome to take the bull by the horns....

sensei@splinter:~$ macof -i eth0

It'll be like this:

Translator: R4V3N
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