Microphone in the Forum! #2 - ByZehirx


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013

Hello dear Turkish Hack Team Members,
As the
press media team, we interviewed @ByZehirx , one of the living legends, as the first guest of our interview series, where we extended the microphone to the forum. We wish you a good reading.


How did you meet TurkHackTeam?

+ When I was researching information about "IRC" servers between 2011 and 2012, but of course I knew before, but it was a little late for me to decide to become a member, and the internet was not as easy to access at that time as it is today, this is my membership story :)

Does your nick have a story?

+ Before we start this, http://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=ByZehirX?hz=1 link is here, I may have met THT late, but I was not a stranger to this sector. Byzehirx Bysnake and Hero were my brothers, who are these three erzurum friends, did me a lot of good deeds during their time and added a lot of information:) byzehirx was the craziest of these trio, the craziest was the most psychopathy, and nicki gave it to me because they don't exist anymore.


When did your interest in Android start, what was your first work?

+ Let's say after installing FlashSma on my nokia N73 device in 2010 and realizing that jar files are an application

Have you been in management before? (If yes, which team did you choose and why?)

+ This may sound a bit strange, but 3 times the first one is as the Moderator and the other 2 are like that.


Are there people in the forum that you find very close to you and that you are in constant contact with?

+ If I do not answer this question, I mean, there is a retired admin with a GSM number, there is an active admin and there is a normal member and I have been talking to these people for 3, 5, 7 years, so let's call it sincerity.

Can we find out if you have hobbies and phobias?

Hobbyist or Phobia I make a model house from time to time, so let's say prison style like garbage skewer, but I am not a person whose life is going normally, sometimes I carry out 2 jobs, I have a very high tempo and tiring life.

What kind of person are you in your private life? How do your relatives define you?

+ Calm Relax Gentle Sincere

What is your area of expertise?

+ Is this question virtually or is it a real business power or something :) Let's call it joke prankster Android?

Is there a memory in the forum that you haven't forgotten or that you've had?

+ Don't get angry if I give a long answer to this, :)
Of course, sharing every project appeals to my unforgettable moments, but there is such a moment that I wrote in the history of THT :) @Uzmaniz you know this nick I said to his wall, "One day I will make a virus that passes through Android" 3 years after I said to this man's wall, I shared it on this forum with my message on that wall @Uzmaniz live witness of this :)


What is your goal in the forum?

+ Believe me, I don't have a goal, I just strive to be remembered well.

What did TurkHackTeam bring to you?

+ Knowledge accumulation experience maturity, or rather today it would be insufficient to explain its contribution with a subject rather than an answer.


Do you have any advice for forum members?

+ No, they don't need my advice, they're all like poison, they're all diamonds, they're all potential dangers.

There are many projects and applications you do on behalf of the forum, but which one do you like the most?

+ Spelling to be the only answer to this
There's a fixed position in the Google Android category, which is another for me, but there's another location that's integrated with the history of THT in the Help Center category, both of which are topics that I look at as if they were my eyes.


Which project tired you the most?

+ X-Spy is the project that comes up with things that really do not come to mind and there will be more of a continuation + my goal is 3 versions so I will work on the project 3 times.

What do you think about the "Android X-Spy Spy App" you have developed?

+ The addressee of this question and the THT members who need to answer it I do not appreciate their appreciation, so the answer to this question is not in me but in everyone in you.

How much time did it take to do your last project, "Spy Parental Control"?

+ I have mentioned on the subject that I have taken out of the archive to make it into this state, so the maintenance and repair process again took me 3 days, you already had those who followed the process.

Finally, is there anything you'd like to add?

+ Respect, I Greet You All With Love
When the day comes, I ask no one for anything other than to be remembered well.


Who else would you like us to interview?




Translator: @ByFelez
Subject Author: @4phrodite
Subject: https://www.turkhackteam.org/konular/mikrofon-forumda-2-byzehirx.2017607/

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