New Platform Clubhouse Got Its First Obstacle: Accessing to Clubhouse is Stopped in China


Kıdemli Üye
3 Haz 2017

The voice chat application which is being popular called Clubhouse is forbidden by China goverment.

Twitter and Facebook are blocked by China government because they wasn't allow to government's control of accounts. This block increased interest of people to Clubhouse. There wasn't text chat rooms. There was allowing to joining voice chats to people. This application had an invitation system.

Don't saving voice logs option in security settings of Clubhouse was giving trust to people and it was providing to communicate without governtment censors.

Clubhouse users are arguing about censored topics like Uyghur Turks in China, advantage and disadvantage of democracy, China's politics in Hong Kong.

Financial Times news wrote Clubhouse invitation's price was increased to 77 dollars before forbids.


On the other hand, German Consumer Societies are preparing to sue for the platform.

They think the platform is violating GDRP and consumer's protection laws.
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