Principles of Increasing Sales Force and Transportation


Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021
Ways and Methods That Can be Followed to Reach a High Amount of Sales and Transportation-Shipping Operations:

In order to make sales that can stand out with differences on Turkish platforms, you can experiment with trading a product specified in a category on Amazon. The contents of the related groups from the subcategories can be examined. It can be seen in what quantity the products of this selected category are sold on Amazon.


Product Research: By selecting products that are not in Turkey, several samples can be produced in Turkey and sales can be achieved through trials. For these experiments, it is important to follow the trends (trends) on the foreign e-commerce site.

Product Research with the Most Searched Words: The most searched word can bring to mind the most sold product. Sales categories can be determined by looking at the categories on the site. The search volumes of words can be dec by looking at them from Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner, or Analysis Tools. In other words, the most searched words can also be viewed in the lists sorted from the most searched to the least searched. It will be possible to reach the customer faster with long tail words. Because if the customer writes the product they are looking for together with its characteristics, it means that they are especially turning to that product, and the “search volumes” can be examined by considering a few words that are likely to be written, so that these data can be used during the product selection and product analysis phase.

Identifying Best-Selling Products: By making these determinations, ads can be opened by identifying products that can be produced or supplied. By examining the categories separately, bestselling products can be found in various fields and various ideas can be gained in this way.

Examining the Price Trend: Examining the sales figures in order to analyze the sales price correctly in terms of price, calculating profitability correctly will be a guide to see if the product price is falling or rising. For these determinations, stingy and akakçe websites can be examined.

Number of Competitors: In order to minimize competition, areas with the least number of competitors should be selected. Thanks to this, the probability of appearing on the first pages as a result of searches by users will increase.


Domineering Competitor: Sellers who are described as very successful and successful sellers and sellers who have ads such as star deals and opportunity of the day are moving to the front of e-commerce sites. Advertisers are also on the front pages. In order to appear ahead without advertising, the number of sales of the product must be large.

To Stand Out Differently: By reading the reviews of competing companies, the shortcomings of their products and services can be identified, and sales can also increase when there are more than one product sold together. Being different in design will also be able to attract the attention of buyers.

Finding a Supplier:

Supplier Research in Turkey: There are two methods to find suppliers from Turkey, one is to find a manufacturer manually (by browsing), and the other is to find a manufacturer online (online translation). If the person is a manufacturer himself, he will not need to look for a supplier.
During the supplier survey, some determinations can be made by visiting the industries and wholesalers. If there is a familiar manufacturer, it will be good to deal with it and get support from it.

Online manufacturer: The rate of finding suppliers is also very high on e-commerce platforms where wholesalers and a large number of products are sold. Gittigidiyor, N11, Allthere, manufacturers can be reached via sellers on the Trendyol platforms, and ideas can be consulted by contacting them, or negotiations can be held on whether there is an opportunity to work together on production. In fact, some sellers are also manufacturers, and finding them can be better both in terms of saving time and in terms of trust. sites like N11 Pro,, it houses manufacturers and suppliers. or it is possible to find suppliers and manufacturers by conducting research on production using Google Maps. no matter which products are being researched in which city, it is possible to reach a large number of suppliers and manufacturers through TOBB. There is a very high possibility that manufacturers will also be encountered while researching products on Facebook and Instagram. There are a lot of resources related to wholesale or production. it is easy to reach manufacturers because it is a large wholesaler marketplace. The Turkish Alibaba platform can be used to contact manufacturers or suppliers in Turkey.

How to Choose the Store to Contact: You can look at the comments and the star rate that it receives to predict whether the store or seller is good and reliable. Stores that have successful and very successful badges can be preferred because badges are signs that customers are satisfied and stores that are found to be doing their job well are given the right to a badge. The fact that the store responds quickly to questions may also indicate that it is of good quality and relevant, nevertheless, the fact that the reviews are mostly good is seen as a stronger criterion. In addition, the sales rates of the store should also be taken into account.


Ways to Contact the Seller: the Ask a question tab can be used to contact the supplier or seller when researching a product in’ For example, a request to purchase products in bulk can be made.
The seller can be reached at Gittigidiyor by writing a message. There is a high probability that those who have very successful and successful badges here will become a good seller. All of them can be selected according to the seller's ratings here. Contact information can be accessed by examining the seller's account. There is no messaging feature here.
In Trendyol, there is the name of the supplier or seller, and contact information, but there is no option to send a direct message.
Sellers' contact information is available on Amazon.

Research can be done on the product, price or seller of the N11 Pro. There is detailed information about suppliers.

In PTTRADE, its interface is similar to Alibaba. A detailed search can be made in the category and company field. dec. There is an opportunity to contact the supplier. There are also locations of suppliers, if necessary, a face-to-face interview can be provided. in it there is general information about companies. By researching products, sellers' information can be accessed and companies' general information can be accessed.

According to the website of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey on TOBB must be entered at. If product-based research is carried out, it will be useful to conduct research taking into account the province. Because a more comfortable interview can be provided when a face-to-face meeting with the supplier is required. When the desired sections are selected on the map while conducting product research, the information can be accessed in a practical way. Detailed information can be obtained if a vendor engaged in the production of the desired product can be reached.

It is useful to edit the language and currency in Turkish on Alibaba. Turkish suppliers can be reached only if the Turkey section is selected in the
“Supplier Country/Region” section when conducting seller research. Detailed contact information of suppliers can be accessed.

Detailed information can be accessed if the product's name, type and city are also written when researching the manufacturer on Google.
Map and location information can be accessed directly while doing research on GoogleMaps.
Since there is also a product sale on Instagram, product research can be done. In addition, since the search here is more practical, the dec product or seller can be found quickly and easily accessed by the seller via message.

Similar suppliers can be found on Facebook quickly. There is also a MarketPlace section here, research can be done here and in groups, and sellers can be contacted. People who sell products wholesale can also be found. products and suppliers can be easily found by looking at the categories in ’ There are usually various types of houses and cars here, but there are also a lot of ads in other areas.

Mostly used products are sold on LETGO, but there are also ads for zero products. There is a location search feature, which is a practical search technique. Dec decode the location. For example, when searching for ”Products within 10 km of me", you can find nearby products or sellers. dec example, if you search for "Products within 10 km of me", you can find nearby products or sellers.

Pear is a platform that usually brings together those who want to receive and provide services. A detailed search can be made about the desired service to be received, a service search can be made by typing whatever dec needs. By sharing a question about the service you want to receive, an assessment is made according to future offers and contact can be provided.


Supplier Research Around the World: The most well-known is Alibaba. Many Amazon sellers even provide product procurement through the Alibaba platform. Here, the product characteristics can be learned after reaching the supplier by conducting a research on the selected product. When communicating with suppliers, it is necessary to be attentive to specify where the product should come from. The message to the supplier must be in English and detailed, as a worldwide survey has been conducted. A specific message can be prepared and sent to all suppliers in bulk.

It should be noted that Turkey should be chosen as the future country for placing an order. In the section titled ”Where to go from where to where", the information of the sender and recipient countries should be entered and after that it can be requested to set a price. If the buyer makes the choice of the shipper, cost savings can be achieved. There is an opportunity to find a shipper from Freightos sites.

In Alibaba, it is necessary to make comparisons between suppliers who respond to messages correctly and clearly. Payment and contract must be made through Alibaba. If there are any problems, Alibaba covers the damage, for this it is necessary to specify this in the contract. The issue of returning products that are problematic can also be attached to the contract. The buyer can ask for samples before shopping, or from there contact the inspectors and ask for support from the officials to do quality control for a fee.

After selecting the products, according to the prices received, after analyzing the profit, it can be decided to purchase the product that is considered the most suitable. There are many good suppliers on Alibaba. About 70% of sellers work with Alibaba. Aliexpress is the platform where products can be purchased individually, while Alibaba is the platform where products can be ordered in bulk. manufacturers and sellers can also be contacted at the address.

Global Sources is the platform where manufacturers and suppliers are located. It is a platform where sellers can be contacted about the desired product and wholesale purchases can be made. , There is a Turkish interface option. Manufacturers can be reached in bulk, and products can also be received in bulk. Wholesale prices of products are calculated. The price varies depending on the number of products. , Is a European-sourced platform. , here, too, products can be bought in bulk and contact the manufacturers. , products can also be ordered in bulk here, but there may not be as much opportunity as the assurance on Alibaba. , there are fewer products and fewer manufacturers., Is a UK-based platform. It is one of the best sites on the European sunday. , It sells through the UK, where products can be purchased wholesale.

Supplier Selection Based on Product Ideas and Reliability Level: When the product title is searched, the manufacturers related to that product also appear. In addition, both the manufacturer and the product can be searched for dec But it will be more practical to look for the manufacturer as the keyword. Even if the product search is performed, the manufacturers and suppliers of this product will also be listed when the “Suppliers” tab is selected. If the “Trade Assurance” agreement title on the same page is checked, the purchase is secured by Alibaba. This is how manufacturers who accept this criterion are reached. It may be more reliable to choose manufacturers that Alibaba verifies (verify). If the Trade Assurance tab is not marked when searching for a manufacturer, it will be good to choose manufacturers who have been producing for at least 2 years or more in terms of reliability. Manufacturers with high sales and shipping figures can also be selected. Manufacturers of Travel Accessories are also likely to be reliable. It will be more correct to discuss with those who have a high total turnover and percentiles of return to messages of 80% and above.

If the product marked as “Main Product” by the manufacturer is the desired product, it can be considered that it can be exchanged with this manufacturer.

Bureau Veritas Files are reports about the manufacturer. It is a report of the manufacturer's approval.

Contacting Suppliers and Determining the Shipping Process: We can introduce ourselves as a company sales representative. We should specify which product we want, the dimensions of the product should be specified, and we can specify that it is similar to the product in the link with the phrase “
similar to this link”. We should also mention october additional features. By looking at the reviews about the product, we can also make it easy to specify our requests for product details. We can ask if they can provide samples, so we can choose the best product, but still no guaranteed confidence can be provided. For example, as a trial product, it can be stated that if 300 products are requested and liked, then more will be received. DDP (Delivered Duty Paid-Decommissioned Delivery) may be preferred as a form of transportation, in which case the cargo company will pick it up from the manufacturer and take care of all the operations in between. To get a price without a shipping plan, you can give Amazon's warehouse address in Dallas, then give a new address. It is important for our future orders to find out how many days the production and shipping process of the products will take. In this way, the inventory plan made is also important for our sales and for us to stay on the first pages.

Sending Mass Messages to Manufacturers: Adding manufacturers to favorites creates the possibility of sending mass messages. When the Contact Supplier option is selected on the left side of the page entered in the favorites section at the top right, all the manufacturers in the favorite will be selected. Then the specified message can be added and sent.


Shipping Terms (Incoterms-International Delivery Terms): These terms are important when concluding agreements when conducting international trade. In these terms, it is determined to which side the responsibilities of the products will be attached.

EXW (Ex Works): If it is not agreed with any shipper, the buyer is responsible. All transactions and taxes in dec are the responsibility of the buyer. The seller does not take this responsibility.

FOB (Free on Board): After the products are produced, the supplier takes care of them until they are loaded from the manufacturer to the ship, the buyer has the next responsibility.

DDU(Delivery Duty Unpaid) & DDP (Delivery Duty Paid): products reach from the manufacturer to the Amazon warehouse. The buyer is responsible for taxes here. But if it is sent in the form of DDP, the seller will be responsible for all transactions. The actual form of submission that should be selected should be DDP.


Companies usually have shipping companies that they deal with. But we can also arrange it ourselves on the Freightos site. There are options for whether it will be shipped in the form of containers or in boxes-pallets, one of which must be selected. The information should be entered, the dimensions of the product, its weight should be written; at another stage, the option for the supplier to paste the barcodes on the product (My Supplier/Me) should be marked, the supplier should again be asked to place the option for who will put the products on the pallets. The option of which products will be purchased from the manufacturer can be marked. The sender and recipient countries should be added and it should be stated that the product should go to the Amazon warehouse because shipping in the form of DDP is requested. After the product listing and shipping plan are made, Amazon will specify which warehouse (Joilet Warehouse) it should be sent to, that specified warehouse should be selected. The option ”I am a foreign importer" should be marked with a tick icon, it can also be selected if it is desirable to insure the products. After these actions, price quotations will be published, an appropriate one can be selected.

Messages from Suppliers or Manufacturers-Their answers: in the message center section, you can view the answers from the. For example, when asked for a sample, it is often said that it is free of charge and that the shipping price must be met by the buyer. This price can vary between dec0 and 100 dollars. The process of transportation of these sample products to the customer is about 7-10 days. There are suppliers with the option of transparent packaging. if you want 300 products, it can be stated that the products are in the production stage. Unit price and air shipping price information are provided. The production process can be specified as 15-20 days. When receiving prices from shippers, carton sizes and weights are taken as a basis. There are also companies that determine the lowest order quantity. For example, although the buyer wants to buy 300 products, the company can offer the requirement to order at least 500 units. Some manufacturers may indicate that it can reach the buyer within 5 days by fast shipping. Some manufacturers also offer to send photos and then meet instead of answering questions. Such sellers should not be preferred. Some sellers also provide information via e-mail.

Manufacturers who write unofficial or meaningless answers that cannot be answered quickly should be avoided. Manufacturers who provide detailed information about the product should be taken into account. Some of them I have to ask my shipper, he always asks, but some of them can answer directly. Some manufacturers add logos and Amazon labels (barcodes that are pasted during shipping). Some manufacturers also december in detail how many years they have been producing the product, in what numbers they can send it, in what time interval they can produce it, but if they do not fully respond to the message we are sending, you should not shop with manufacturers who send messages such as a common and ready-made message style to everyone without reading the message.

Manufacturers with the "original product manufacturer" feature can ensure that the desired product is produced as desired according to the order. it can be considered positive about the manufacturer, which makes production in 5-7 days and ensures that the product reaches the buyer within 8-13 days.

Comparing Suppliers-Manufacturers and Choosing the Appropriate One: When the “Compare all Suppliers” option is clicked, lists will be displayed comparing all suppliers that responded to the messages. Benchmarking is provided according to the criteria that the buyer cares about. These criteria may be that the supplier's start-up period has been at least 2 years, and if he produces the product at the same time, except for the sale, this is also positive for the buyer, because if the buyer wants a difference in the product, he will wait for this request to be answered.


Dec Criteria may also include which products the supplier focuses on selling. If the certificates of the products are also available, the comparison is made according to it. The annual production capacity is also considered important. In addition, the suppliers that provide the fastest, best, and most detailed answers can be examined to make comparisons. In addition, if it is a company unrelated to the product we want to order, if the other products it sells are very different, there will be a high probability of problems getting products from here or the desired service may not be provided. The supplier producing the desired products to be ordered can be identified and requested to be sent in this way by specifying the requests about the product. When concluding an agreement with this supplier, which is considered appropriate, after all the details have been discussed and approved, a contract should be signed through Alibaba, taking the total price. 30% of the costs are sent before the start of production of the products, and the remaining 70% are sent after the end of production. Sometimes an agreement is also made in the form of 50%-50%.

By considering all these criteria separately, the risks will be minimized when trading and satisfaction will be provided as much as possible.

Source : Satış Gücünü Artırma ve Taşımacılık İlkeleri
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