Russia lifts the ban on charter connection with Turkey

6 Nis 2016
Чартерное сообщение с Турцией восстановлено | Продолжение проекта «Русская Весна»

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a decree lifting the ban on charter connection with Turkey , reports TASS. The ******** stresses the need to take additional measures to ensure aviation security of Russia - Turkey flights . After the abolition of restrictions Rosaviation sent appropriate notifications to the Russian airlines. In addition, the main Center of Air Traffic Management was informed about lifting of the ban.According to Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov , air carriers have already started to apply for the implementation of non-scheduled flights to Turkey . The authorities , in turn, are ready to begin issuing the necessary permits to the carriers . Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which the direct prohibitions on the sale of tours to Turkey , as well as charter flights were lifted . The August 27 -th decree on lifting the ban on charter between Russia and Turkey was submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers.
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