Sandboxie 3.36.04


Kıdemli Üye
28 Eyl 2007
Windows sisteminize kurdugunuz ya da denediginiz programlarin iz birakmadan silinmesi icin uretilmis bir yazilimdir. [FONT=&quot]Program[/FONT] belirlediginiz bir klasoru sanal registry ve sanal disk olarak kullanir. Bundan boyle sisteminize kurdugunuz ya da denediginiz programlar sistemce okunur ama yazilamaz. Yazdigini sansa bile bunu sanal diske yazar. Bu sanal diskin kontrolu sizin elinizde olacagindan istediginiz gibi temizleyebilirsiniz. Boylece hem zarar veremez hem de kontrol sizin elinizde olur. ornegin sisteminiz icin bir arsivleme programi ariyorsunuz. ornek vermek gerekirse Winzip, Winrar, 7-zip vs. tum bunlari denemek icin kurdunuz. Ardindan begenmeyip kaldirmak istediniz ancak ne kadar kaldirsaniz bile sisteminizde iz birakir. Kendi loglarini, sistem dosyalarini ozellikle sikca birakir. Ama bir setup dosyasina sag tiklayip run sandboxed dediginiz anda sandboxie`nin sanal diskine kurulum yaparsiniz. O programin butun yararli - zararli dosyalari daha evvelden belirledigimiz sanal diske ve sanal registry`e kaydolur. Silmek istediginiz zaman delete sandbox deyip temizlik yapabilirsiniz. Boylelikle gercek sisteminize hicbir sey kaydedilmez..

If you then run Freecell without the aid of < name="IL_MARKER" ="">Sandboxie, the read operation would bypass the sandbox altogether, and the statistics would be retrieved from the hard disk.

The transient nature of the sandbox makes it is easy to get rid of everything in it. If you were to throw away the sandbox, by deleting everything in it, the sandboxed statistics would be gone for good, as if they had never been there in the first place.

Version 3.36

Released on 13 April 2009.


* Albanian translation contributed by Besmir Godole.
* Chinese (Traditional) translation contributed by tenhon.
* Czech translation contributed by Virec Jaroslav.
* Russian translation contributed by Sergey Burkun.

New Features:

* New application configuration system makes it easy to activate configurations and resolve conflicts with third-party software.
* Intercept AutoPlay notifications for better protection of CD/DVD and USB drives which are protected (f

Sandboxie Control does not abort if the tray icon cannot be installed.
* Border around sandboxed windows uses less CPU resources and does not appear around full screen Web video windows.

* Fixes related to Windows Vista:

* Support "Run As" UAC elevation requests for sandboxed programs.
* Fixed a problem with Internet Explorer 8 when User Account Controls (UAC) is enabled.
* Fixed a problem that prevented a clean start of Windows Installer.
* Fixed a problem with starting [FONT=&quot]Windows Live Messenger[/FONT].
* Fixed a problem with use of some plug-and-play hardware such as webcams and joysticks.

* Fixes to Quick Recovery and Immediate Recovery:
o Correctly recover files that have a long name or a long path.
o Suspend Immediate Recovery notifications until the file is no longer in use by the application that created it.
o Improved support for Immediate Recovery with Google Chrome and [FONT=&quot]Microsoft Office products[/FONT].

* Many more fixes under a hood for a smoother < name="IL_MARKER" ="">Sandboxie experience.

Third-party software:

* Resolved conflict with eEye Blink (version 4.3.0 or later)
* Resolved conflict with Outpost Firewall during installation.

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