Şifre Güvenliği


Kadim Üye
1 Ağu 2007
## MOD Title: Password security 
## MOD Author: Underhill < [email protected] > (N/A) http://www.underhill.de/ 
## MOD Description: When a new passord is entered, the user will receive a JavaScript warning 
## MOD Version: 1.1.0 
## Installation Level: easy 
## Installation Time: 5 minutes 
## Files To Edit: 
##      includes/usercp_register.php 
##      templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.tpl 
##      language/lang_english/lang_main.php 
##      language/lang_english/lang_faq.php 
## Included Files: N/A 
## Demo: N/A 
## License: http://AÇsource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2 
## For security purposes, please check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked 
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee 
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support 
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which 
## can be found at http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## Author Notes: 
## This modification was built for use with the phpBB template "subSilver" 
## Tip: How to clear the warning after entering the new password? 
## Tips-Download: http://www.underhill.de/downloads/phpbb2mods/passwordsecuritytips.txt 
## Screenshot: http://www.underhill.de/downloads/phpbb2mods/passwordsecurity.png 
## Download: http://www.underhill.de/downloads/phpbb2mods/passwordsecurity.txt 
## MOD History: 
##   2005-12-31 - Version 1.1.0 
##      - Successfully tested with phpBB 2.0.19 
##      - Added check for username (badboy4ever) 
##      - Added check for emailadress 
##      - Fixed some little problems with spelling and usability 
##   2005-12-20 - Version 1.0.2 
##      - MOD Syntax changes for the phpBB MOD Database 
##   2005-12-15 - Version 1.0.1 
##      - MOD Syntax changes for the phpBB MOD Database 
##   2005-12-13 - Version 1.0.0 
##      - Final-Version 
##   2005-12-11 - Version 0.0.1c 
##      - BETA-Version 
##   2005-11-07 - Version 0.0.1b 
##      - BETA-Version 
##   2005-11-06 - Version 0.0.1a 
##      - ALPHA-Version 
##      - Built and successfully tested with phpBB 2.0.18 
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 
#-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------------------------------ 


#-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------------------------------ 

      'L_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_IF_CHANGED' => ( $mode == 'editprofile' ) ? $lang['password_confirm_if_changed'] : '', 

#-----[ SONRASINA EKLE ]------------------------------------------------------------ 

      'L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LEVEL1' => $lang['password_security_level1'], 
      'L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LEVEL2' => $lang['password_security_level2'], 
      'L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LEVEL3' => $lang['password_security_level3'], 
      'L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LEVEL4' => $lang['password_security_level4'], 
      'L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LEVEL5' => $lang['password_security_level5'], 
      'L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_EXPLAIN' => $lang['password_security_explain'], 

#-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------------------------------ 


#-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------------------------------ 

     <td class="row2"> 
      <input type="password" class="post" style="width: 200px" name="new_password" size="25" maxlength="32" value="{NEW_PASSWORD}" /> 

#-----[ İLE DEĞiŞTİR ]---------------------------------------------------------- 

     <td class="row2" nowrap="nowrap"> 
      <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
      // Password security 
      function check_pw(pw_to_check) 
         var counter_to_check = 0; 
         var minlength_to_check = 6; 
         if (pw_to_check.length >= minlength_to_check) 
            counter_to_check = counter_to_check + 1; 
         if (pw_to_check.match(/[A-Z\�\�\�]/)) 
            counter_to_check = counter_to_check + 2; 
         if (pw_to_check.match(/[a-z\�\�\�\�]/)) 
            counter_to_check = counter_to_check + 1; 
         if (pw_to_check.match(/[0-9]/)) 
            counter_to_check = counter_to_check + 2; 
            if (pw_to_check.match(/[\.\,\?\!\%\*\_\#\:\;\~\\&\$\�\�\@\/\=\+\-\(\)\[\]\|\<\>]/)) 
               counter_to_check = counter_to_check + 2; 
         if (pw_to_check == ********.getElementsByName('username').username.value) 
            counter_to_check = 0; 
         if (pw_to_check == ********.getElementsByName('email').email.value) 
            counter_to_check = 0; 

         if (counter_to_check <= 2) 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'red'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.color = 'black'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.border = '1px solid black'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].value = '{L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LEVEL1}'; 
         else if (counter_to_check <= 4) 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.color = 'black'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.border = '1px solid black'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].value = '{L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LEVEL2}'; 
         else if (counter_to_check <= 5) 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'green'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.color = 'white'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.border = '1px solid black'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].value = '{L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LEVEL3}'; 
         else if (counter_to_check <= 7) 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'green'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.color = 'white'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.border = '1px solid black'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].value = '{L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LEVEL4}'; 
         else if (counter_to_check == 8) 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'green'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.color = 'white'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].style.border = '1px solid black'; 
            ********.getElementsByName('holder_pw')[0].value = '{L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LEVEL5}'; 
      <input onkeyup="check_pw(this.value);" onfocus="check_pw(this.value);" type="password" class="post" style="width: 200px" name="new_password" size="25" maxlength="32" value="{NEW_PASSWORD}" /> 
      <span class="gensmall"><a href="{U_FAQ}#39" tabindex="98" target="_phpbbfaq">{L_PASSWORD_SECURITY_EXPLAIN}</a></span> <input tabindex="99" title="" readonly="readonly" type="text" class="post" style="width : 150px; text-align : center; border : 1px solid #DEE3E7; background-color : #DEE3E7;" name="holder_pw" size="25" value="" /> 

#-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------------------------------ 


#-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------------------------------ 

$lang['password_confirm_if_changed'] = 

#-----[ SONRASINA EKLE ]------------------------------------------------------------ 

$lang['password_security_level1'] = 'Çok Zayıf'; 
$lang['password_security_level2'] = 'Zayıf'; 
$lang['password_security_level3'] = 'Biraz Güvenli'; 
$lang['password_security_level4'] = 'Güvenli'; 
$lang['password_security_level5'] = 'Çok Güvenli'; 
$lang['password_security_explain'] = 'Parola Güvenliği:'; 

#-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------------------------------ 


#-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------------------------------ 


#-----[ ÖNCESİNDE EKLE ]----------------------------------------------------------- 

// Password security 
$faq[] = array("--", "Password security"); 
$faq[] = array("What is password security?", "This function offers you a recommendation for selecting your password. It's only a recommendation. You are free to decide if you use it or not."); 
$faq[] = array("How to secure a password?", "Tips for selecting a secure password:<br />- The password must be at least 6 characters in length and can be a maximum of 32 characters in length (a character is a letter, number, mark or symbol).<br />- The password should be at least 4 characters long and should contain at least 2 other characters such as numbers or symbols.<br />- Special foreign language characters such as the german umlaut and spaces (blanks) are not recommended.<br />- Use neither your user-name or your real name.<br />- Do not use standard keyboard rows such as the \"qwerty\" row.<br />- The password should not contain popular or common phrases such as those found in books, poems. Also a**** using popular media slogans form radio and tv.<br />- Use a combination of upper and lowercased letters.<br />- Choose a password that you don't have to write down in order to remember it."); 
#-----[ TÜM DOSYALARI KAYDET/ÇIK ]-------------------------------------------------- 

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