sqlmap clear up email and pass


Yeni üye
29 Ocak 2016
Hi guys for example if i have 500 email and 500 pass md5(phpbb3) output of sqlmap how i can delete any email so to have just a md5?
example of output:
[email protected],$H$90kEO7ThbqbWQnH818SFtkMrhKsutd/
I need just to delete all first the (,) and afther i save the email on other file text . Thanks :)


Yeni üye
29 Ocak 2016
Thanks for your answer .. If i want just output of password of the website i can run again with option -C passw --dump and at end i have just the hash md5 on my root directory of sqlmap but the problem is when afther i run -C email --dump sqlmap show out of email on order alphabetical and i can t know which email correspond at each passwd for that i run -C email,pass --dump but the problem now is i want crack md5 online i neeed to save file.txt with just hash .. Maybe i can do other thing .. i old the format that i have now of email and pass example
[email protected],$H$7Oau8uSZAgXbqorK.KNd1Mh6mF9QQY1
[email protected],$H$7rzNwfvXUbfMl/odzI6e0g0q3oYTVK/
[email protected],$H$9zYzwlplkH6MMYPnEFuHU11s3XGjMy.
Afther i run again sqlmap but i do -C passw --dump so i have other output of only hash and paste that to decrypt list online when it terminate to crack example i copy the hash and going on other file text with email and pass press ctrl f and find the hash cracked to which password matches ;)
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