Techniques To Resist Persuasion


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26 Ocak 2019
Techniques To Resist Persuasion

Resisting persuasion is a delicate matter that works for us in real life.We all try to convince someone about something.For example, using social media and people,.So let's look at how we resist persuasion in these situations.

1-To Ask Questions About A Credible Subject

The other party finds a topic you don't know and starts talking about it. Because you don't know enough, you start to stumble. But do not panic. Try to ask the other party all the questions you can think of about it. The topic of science came up saying, "Why was invented?, With what thoughts?, Who Did It Benefit? "we can pause the other side by making sentences like".

2-A**** Eye Contact

They want us to be in constant eye contact when the other party is in contact. Because with eye contact, one tends to be convinced. All we have to do about it is sometimes a**** eye contact. "Look, this is important, why this happened," such as sentences can bring you immediately eye. You keep your eye on these issues very calmly and don't stick to the other side.

3-Make Empathy

Empathy is one of the steps we need to take before the other side. It would be better to find out what kind of circumstances the person would convince us. Empathy is the way one puts one's self in another's place. We have to think about things like this, not be hasty.

4- A Sense Of Confidence

Trust is a very easy concept to lose. The people who will convince us are usually the ones whose trust has skyrocketed. But he could lose your trust if he opens up about any serious issues. If you want him to lose confidence in you, he says, "Why Are you asking me questions? What are you trying to do by learning about me?"you can make him think you're losing your trust by asking questions like that. This loss of confidence will not reach enough level in the process of convincing you.

5-Communication Channel

Most people try different ways to convince the other side. One of them is body language. As a result of the research conducted, the other person; 7% with words, 38% with voice tone, 55% with body language can be affected. Look at the way the other party acts to convince you. Start getting suspicious if he's making unusual moves. Don't let him know you're suspicious.try to see how he can convince you with his actions. Note the tone of his voice, if he's going up and down, know that he's trying to stumble when he's trying to learn something from you.

In general, we have to pay attention to many factors in resisting persuasion. The person is always the individual responsible for himself. The process of persuasion that we have on the first one-to-one meeting is very important. We always have to be 1-0 ahead from the other side when making eye contact or empathy. In today's relationships, this may be the case. "Can you get me some coffee ? I'll turn on the TV show you want. " the other party or your partner can bring him coffee, thinking that it is ultimately in his best interest. If the persuader doesn't turn on the TV show, it could cause a loss of confidence in the other party. In this case, if we want to achieve something, we will have to follow the path in the most detailed way to the end..

Translator: theblackestday
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