THT OCR (C#) (İnternational)

Hello everyone, today I'll briefly talk about what OCR technology is and introduce you to an OCR application I made using a free and high-quality OCR library.

Tesseract OCR ENGINE

What is OCR (Optical Character Recognition) ?

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology and process that enables computers to understand visual data. Its aim is to scan text from documents and convert it into digital data for use. It is used in various documents such as books, invoices, and identity cards. With this technology, you can extract data from images and have it in text format.


How to use it ?

If you want an image to go through OCR processing after taking a screenshot, you can press the "Take a Screenshot" button.

If you want to perform OCR on an image that is already in your gallery, you can press the "Add Image" button.


Download link
Click here to download!


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Topic Owner : @Kruvazör THT OCR (C#)

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