Ways to Be Protected Against Ransomware Attacks


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
How Do We Be Protected Against Ransomware Attacks?


Imagine a situation where you are deprived of everything on your computer system. First of all, all important information about the company or the customer is under threat. The only way out of this situation is to pay some black hat hackers a large amount of money in any cryptocurrency. What is causing this situation by a ransomware attack? So what is this attack and how can I protect it?


1. Always Update Your Antivirus

The importance of antivirus cannot really be underestimated if you want to protect yourself from any ransomware. The way it works is that it scans every process performed on your system and alerts you if it detects any malware. This way, you are protected very quickly from downloading or clicking on anything that might contain malware that could result in a ransomware attack.


2. Always Scan Your E-mails And Filter Them

Hackers and criminals often send a link via email. When you click on this link sent by them, it can infect your system with the virus. Then all your data begins to be encrypted. That's why it's imperative that you scan and filter each email before opening it. That way, you will never click a suspicious link or open a scam email. There are also antivirus programs that do this process automatically.


3. Back Up Your Important Data Regularly

You must understand the importance of your data. The point where hackers take their power is the fear of destroying your data completely. When you make regular backups, whether documénts, pictures, videos etc., you will not be afraid of such viruses.

4. Make Difficult For The Hackers

It is more important to try to avoıd this situation than to clean an infected device. This statement applies in the case of ransomware attacks. You need to configure your firewalls strong enough that criminals can find loopholes in your system and make it impossible for them to break into system.

One of the basic precautions is to always keep your security software and updating operating system.


5. Always Have A Plan B

Where you take any preventive action, it only makes sense to always prepare yourself for the worst scenario. This will help you and your company prevent the crisis. So, be ready for the worst attack, be prepared for it.


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