What Are POP3 And IMAP, What Are The Differences?


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21 Nis 2020


Greeting TurkHackTeam Members.
In This Topic, I Will Tell You What POP And IMAP Are And Their Differences.


Topic Content

What Are POP3 And IMAP?

What Are Their Differences?

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of POP?

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of IMAP?


What Are POP3 And IMAP?

Both of these protocols are used for processing email transfer between an email server and a mail client (Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook, Eudora, or your default smartphone email application).

POP(Post Office Protocol), is a protocol that has been around for a very long time. POP1 first started serving people in 1984 and POP2 in early 1985. POP3 is the current version created in 1988 and remains one of the most popular email protocols in use.

IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol), was created in 1986. And it works very well with the current cloud-based trend.



What Are Their Differences?

I will explain the difference between POP and IMAP by showing you their working logic.

POP3 Receiving Process

»Asks your email client to check mail (manually or automatically).

»Your e-mail client connects to the remote server where e-mails are stored.

»Your e-mail client receives the mails from the remote server.

»Your emails are stored locally by your email client.

»All e-mails received from the server are deleted on this server.

»Your email client is disconnected from the remote server.

POP3 downloads any messages you receive from mail servers.
If you delete, copy, move or send messages, they are only available on your local computer. Not everyone who accesses your email from another ******** will know what you are doing.
Many POP clients have the option to leave a copy of your messages on the server, but this is not the default behavior and still won't show any subsequent changes or messages sent.



IMAP Accessing Process

»Connects to the remote server.

»Changes and content are retrieved and stored locally.

»New changes are updated on the remote server. For example, adding sent emails, reading emails, removing deleted emails.

»It disconnets to the remote server

Every time you log into an email client configured with the IMAP protocol, it will reflect the changes you have made on the email server.
IMAP does not delete the e-mail from the server after it has been downloaded. It keeps your responses, reads the status and records all other actions.
Every time you log into your e-mail server from your tablet or smartphone, your e-mails are synchronized across multiple devices.



What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of POP?


»Mail is stored locally and can be accessed without an internet connection.
»Internet connection is required only to send and receive e-mails. This means lower bandwidth usage.
»It requires less storage space (e-mails are assumed to be deleted after download). Some hosts limit their mailboxes, for example 500MB.
»Most POP servers allow you to leave a copy on the server.
»»You can group multiple mail accounts in one inbox.
»»Mail is not stored on a server, so it is safer for your data to be hacked.



»No activity on your e-mails is replicated between computers. Therefore, daily tasks such as reading, filing, and marking messages will have to be performed on each machine.
»Messages are stored in only one place. If your computer's hard drives fail, all your emails will be lost. If you do not back up your remote server effectively, there will be no recovery option.
»POP servers are incompatible with webmail software.



What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of IMAP?


»Since the mail is stored on the remote server, you can access it from anywhere and on any device. You can use different mail programs depending on your device.
»Internet connection is required to access your e-mail.
»IMAP is faster because only necessary information such as headers is downloaded until explicitly requested.
»If the server is managed correctly, the mail is backed up automatically.
»It saves storage space because you don't download email to your computer.
»Many IMAP clients allow you to store emails locally and SYNC when online.
»If your computer crashed, your emails are safe and accessible from a different device.



»Your host may limit message storage. Offers 200 MB or 500 MB of storage unless you purchase professional email services.
»»All your messages are kept on the server, so hackers can access anything if your server or password is not strong.
»Offline reading depends on your email client. It will need to be clearly configured.




Thanks for your reading
Take care...

Yours Sincerely:Smiley1021:

Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/hosting/1929549-pop3-ve-imap-nedir-farklari-nelerdir.html
Translator: Dolyetyus


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