What is a Hash? How does it work?


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11 Mar 2021
What is a Hash? How does it work?


It is imperative to use a password for security in digital environments that are used for many transactions today. Especially with the increase in the use of online services and social media, password security has become more important. What is the hashing method that makes passwords used to log in in digital environments more secure? How does the hash method work?


The mathematical process that converts the entered data into fixed-length output in order to provide a high level of password protection is called hash. Thanks to this process to hide the data, passwords are not stored in plain text, but as a mixture of numbers and letters, unrelated to the password. Thus, the password is protected against external attacks and it is not possible to access the password.


In this case, when people see the correct password, the question arises of how to access the system. The system encrypts the password with the hashing algorithm and stores it in its database. The correct password that the user enters into the system is encrypted again with the same algorithm and thus matches the previously saved password. If the password is entered correctly, the algorithm works correctly without any problems.

What is a Hash Value?


The hash value is used to understand whether the information in the storage areas has been changed or not. With the hash value, it can be checked whether the file has been properly downloaded to the computer. The hash value is checked to determine whether any file or program is different from the original. The answer to the question of what is the hash value can be answered in this way.
If the hash value is the same before and after the transaction, it is concluded that there is no change in the data, if the hash value is different, it is concluded that the data has been changed. This process is a kind of file comparison process. However, not every hash mismatch does not mean that the data has not been changed. The hash incompatibility may occur naturally due to reasons such as RAM failure, hardware used, electrical failures.


The hash value concept, which is especially used in the field of forensic informatics, is a concept that is discussed in understanding whether the information on the storage area has changed in the past time. In a sense, the hash value is needed to understand whether file or program has differences with its original form.


If the hash value remained the same before and after the transaction, there is no change from the data. If the hash values ​​before and after the process are different, it is seen that there is a change in the files.

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