What is Advanced IP Scanner? | How it works?


20 Ocak 2019
Advanced IP Scanner

Advanced IP Scanner is a powerful network scanning program. It can detect all devices in the cable or wireless local network and scan ports. HTTPS, HTTP, FTP realizes easy connection to various network resources.


Features of Advanced IP Scanner

Shutdown the computer with remote control

This feature allows you to shut down a remote server running windows operating system. To turn it off, your access rights must be available so you can set a username and password.

Wake up/open on LAN

Wake on LAN If one of your devices is asleep, you can remotely wake up your devices with the "Wake on Local Network" feature, using this feature with the Advanced IP scanner software.

Wi-Fi Technology

With this feature, you can see who is connected to your Wi-Fi.


Programs like Advanced IP scanner

Free IP Scanner: We can call it a normal IP Scanner, it can detect a lot of devices in a short time.


Angry IP Scanner: It can scan not only IP but also all ports. There are options to save scan results in multiple formats (.txt, .xml, .csv). If you know Java, you can develop more with a plugin.


Lizard System (Network Scanner): Lizard System's web browser helps you to analyze your personal and company network.


NMAP: NMAP is known as a network vulnerability discovery tool but this can also be used to find IP address usage on a network.


Advanced IP scanner installation

Enter their website and click on Download as free.

Then let's open our .exe file and say run.


Click on next.


Let's wait for the files to be extracted.


Let's open the program by saying finish after it is over.



Let's find out who is connected to our Wi-Fi

Now let's see who is connected to our Wi-Fi.

After opening the program, let's press the scan button.


After waiting about a minute, the connected devices look like this.


For example, is my samsung phone we can do what you see in the photo from right click "Radmin" section but that device should have "Advanced IP scanner" program too.


You can do other things, I just showed you one of the features that I listed here.

Translator: Shezzar
Source: Advanced IP Scanner topic in Turkish. By the way thanks to kanserojen for this topic.


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
Here's an advice; Don't open all the topics on the same day. Publish them every 2 or 3 days otherwise they don't reach many people :)


Katılımcı Üye
1 Ara 2018
I thank the translator and the leader who showed the necessary attention.

Yours truly...
Intelligence Team - kanserojen

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