What is Ethernet Protocol ?

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19 Tem 2011
Firstly hello everyone my friends
Today , I will tell of ethernet protocol .

What is Ethernet Protocol ?
Ethernet is a frame-based transmission protocol used for LAN (Local Area Network) in general.
in a other words , Not in a large network , It is provide to communicate each other that devices connected to the network in an office or in a building.These devices are Computer,Laptop,Tablet,Telephone,Printer etc.
This protocol works in physical layer and data-link layer in osi model ,link layer in TCP/IP model
It has very speedy data transfer and the most common used to LAN network
It is common and it's also standard of Ethernet IE 802.3.

Ethernet frame


Let's talk about the ethernet frame structure.

The ethernet frame structure consists of exactly 8 blocks. These blocks are as follows.

These two partitions provide synchronization between the target and the source. that is, it's used to transmit data simultaneously.
Destination address
Source Address
These two sections recognize mac addresses for target and source devices and determine where the data goes.
Vlan Tag
This section is a special block designed for wireless networks used for Qso and vlan.
In this section, the length of the data and the type of protocol are determined here is very important because some hacking activities happen to disrupt this place.
This is data from the top layers
If there is no error in the transmission of the data, it sends fcs bits and must also be the same on the target device

CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
CSMA is the system used for data collision succinctly.In the photo you see above, pc1 pc5e wants to send data at the same time pc2 pc4e while sending data. As you can see, there is a collision, and at the end of this collision the data cannot be transmitted, sometimes it is incomplete.Imagine all devices trying to transmit data at the same time. There's chaos, wouldn't it? datas are never transmitted.This is a problem with the ethernet protocol, which is called collison.
csma system or protocol was removed to prevent this. these are divided into 2.

The first is the CSMA CD (Collisoion Detection) that the system is used for wired networks.
pc1 still wants to send data to pc5 but first analyzes the data way, analyzes the ports if there is any traffic, and if it is empty, it will send the data to the road. So there is no collision because not every computer acts according to its head.
And let's say the path is not empty, but a full data is transmitted there, then pc1 sends its own data after it's divorced waiting for that path to empty.

The second is csma ca (Collision avodence) on wireless networks on this system.
it's like the washe, but it controls the wireless transmission environment, which controls it like the one above, and if it's empty, it'll send its data.

Translator : megat
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