What is FTP?

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19 Tem 2011
Hello TurkHackTeam, I am going to write about FTP in this post.


What is the FTP Server?

With the FTP server it is possible for clients to download and install files from the server. This can be in the form of a physical server that you keep in your company with a connection to your company's local network. It allows your employees to share files. Although it poses a security risk, you can also connect the FTP server to the Internet. So, employees can access the data stored on the server from any ******** at any time.


What is FTP Client?

FTP client is a method to upload, download, and manage files on our server. The client has a user-friendly interface that clearly displays the FTP server ********s and a tool to manage multiple login accounts on multiple servers. The client logs all your FTP sessions and provides a way to choose between active and passive FTP when connecting to servers. The client allows you to set folder and file permissions on the server and anonymous ftp. There are many FTP clients for different operating systems and there are also premium FTP clients with extra features, such as the option to automatically transfer files in a particular program. When you open your FTP client; You will see textboxes that you need to fill; Profile name, Host name, Address, User ID and Password. THere are two main panels in the interface of each FTP client:

The left panel displays files on your computer.

The right panel displays files on the hosting server.

You need to find the file that you want to transfer on the left and click it to appear on the right.

It is also possible to move files from the server to your computer.

You can also view, rename, delete and move your files. You can create new folders for your files.


Understanding How FTP Works

just as you can connect to any server on the web, you can connect to a server with FTP. The user runs an FTP client program to transfer files with FTP. And initiates a connection to remote computer with FTP server software. Once connected, the client can choose to send or receive copies of the files.


Before communicating and exchanging information with the server; You need to enter a server address, a username and password. The default port numbers are 20 and 21 when logging in using the command line. When a request is received, the server uses this port to check the connection and opens a different port to transfer file data.


Anonymous FTP

Many servers allow you to log in with FTP and download the files. So you don't need an account to access the FTP server. However, any FTP service is never actually anonymous. Your IP address is recorded. For this reason, It is forbidden to transfer any illegal material. You may encounter prosecution, fines or frustration by your Internet provider.


Server Logs

FTP clients keep a record of every file that transferred or downloaded through the client. You can checkt the server logs to see all transactions in the past. These logs are a great tool for learning the FTP functions.


Transfer Modes and Auto Detection

There are two types of transfer modes, depending on the file types you send with FTP: ASCII and Binary, ASCII character code, which provides 128 different characters, numbered 0 to 127. ASCII and 7-bit ASCII are synonymous. Since the 8-bit byte is the common storage element, ASCII leaves room for 128 additional characters, which are used to represent a host of foreign language and other symbols.

Binary files have a completely different structure. And It requires separate transfer mode. In addition, there are binary files of different structure and requiring different transfer types, including images, applications and algorithmic generated packages such as .zip and more. Most FTP Clients automatically detect the transfer mode according to the files. The default transfer mode is binary because both file types are easier to send with binary mode. When sending only text-based files, using ASCII mode is much faster. If the binary file is transferred via ASCII, It will be corrupted. The only exception is the transfer of CGI scripts via ASCII.. Otherwise they will not work.


File Types According to Transfer Modes
Text-based files
HTML files
CGI scritps

You should transfer images, applications, .zip, .sit, .tar packs, .doc, .xls, .fla, .swf in binary mode.


Using FTP with Browser

Scanner can't offer enough functionality and It has a much greater seucirty risk than FTP client. In the early days of the Internet, FTP Client was required to send files but today, with web browser upgrades; users can download files directly via FTP.


FTP Alternatives

p2p file sharing systems such as BitTorrent, offer more advanced and secure file sharing forms than FTP. Modern cloud storage systems such as Box and Dropbox have greatly reduced the need for FTP but web developers and server administrators must use FTP regularly.


source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/google-yandex-alexa-yahoo/1898864-ftp-nedir-therealbugra.html

Translator: dRose98
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