What is Javascript? Where is it used?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013

Javascript is a dynamic programming language widely used in the field of web programming. Although Javascript, which helps to develop interactive and dynamic web pages, is confused with Java because of its name, they are actually different technologies.

The JavaScript language was developed in 1997 by Brendan Eich of Netscape. In the first years of its release, most of the browsers of that period could not interpret the Javascript language. In this case, it was causing problems. However, the JavaScript language continued to be developed by Eich. Brendan Eich founded the Mozilla Foundation at the time. Today, this foundation continues to develop the JavaScript language.

Javascript is used in almost all of the websites that are active today. The programming language, which increases the functionality of websites, allows the website to communicate with users.

To give an example, when you fill out a form on any website, the warning that comes to the screen when you enter incompletely or incorrectly is thanks to the Javascript language. This example is the simplest example of what the Javascript language can do.

What can be done with the javascript language?

HTML source codes can be interfered with with Javascript, form submission can be made, messages can be given to the visitor. To explain briefly, websites can have a dynamic structure with the Javascript language. By bringing the static state of the HTML on web pages to a more interactive structure, it applies more practical methods for the user.


How to use Javascript?

The javascript language is registered as a ".js" extension. We can use the Javascript language in the HTML file. If you want to add your Javascript codes to your website, you can call your Javascript file just like you would call CSS. If you want to call your Javascript codes from an external file, you can use the following code.

<script type="text/javascript" src="DIRECTORY WHERE THE JS FILE IS LOCATED"></script>

If you do not want to keep the Javascript file separate but want to use it in your codes, you can use the following codes.

<script type="text/javascript">



However, we recommend that you call your Javascript codes from an external file instead of using them in the HTML file. Because search engines want HTML files to be fast and have no unnecessary code. You can make search engines love your site by calling it from the external file.


What tools do JavaScript developers use?

An analysis based on the data at StackOverFlow revealed which tools JavaScript developers use and what technologies they use.

Although it has declined at some times today, an analysis has been made about JavaScript, which still holds the title of being the most popular programming language in the world. 90,000 developers participated in the survey conducted at StackOverFlow and received answers from JavaScript developers.

The developers say that JavaScript is a full-stack language that can work both on the web, on native platforms and back-end technologies. With Node.js working on a server-by-server basis, the number of back-end developers is increasing.

The fact that the JavaScript language has a large number of frameworks increases the versatility of this programming language. We need the React Native framework to develop mobile apps with JavaScript, while we need the Electron framework to develop desktop apps. The versatility of the programming language makes developers who specialize in this language stand out in many areas.


Most preferred framework

JavaScript developers were asked which framework they preferred the most in the survey. jQuery, which is not difficult to guess, has become the most preferred framework. React .js second on the list, followed by Angular.js third.

Most used editor

In the survey conducted on StackOverFlow, it was wondered which IDE and editors developers use when using the JavaScript programming language. At the top of the list is Visual Studio Code by far. Visual Code ranks second, followed closely by Notepad++.

The most popular database

When it comes to JavaScript developers' popular databases, MySQL is by far the first in this area. PostgreSQL ranks second, while Microsoft SQL Server enters the list from third place. While SQLite fills the fourth place, the document base shared database MongoDB has not found its place in the top four and is in the fifth place.

Their preferred operating system

This question is one of the most curious questions of the survey. JavaScript developers were asked what operating system they used when working. JavaScript developers have answered this question as a Linux operating system. Linux ranks first on this list, followed by Windows in second place. In third and fourth place are Docker and AWS, respectively.



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