What is the secret of Persuasion?


Katılımcı Üye
21 Eki 2015
The famous science magazine New Scientist compiled the lastest developments in the science of persuasion. Accordingly, it is possible to collect the password of persuasion under 12 headings. Separate tactics are applied to men and women. Here are the ways of persuasion...

1. Be an ape; Mimicry makes you angry. But if you do it unnoticed, it’s the quickest way to impress the other person. In an experiment, it was seen that %67 of the sellers who imitated sold their goods, while those who didn’t only %12.5 were successful.

2. Highlight the negative aspects: It’s also called a “framing” tactic. The case of looking at the full or empty part of the glass. If you choose between the two options, the easiest way to convince him the option you want is to abuse the option you don’t want.

3. Keep positive options short: If you want to convince people to the option you want, ask them to generate one or two positive thoughts. This number can be up to three. It is harder to persuade more producers.

4. Ask him when he’s weak!: If you want to be persuasive, make sure to choose the moment when the person’s mental energy is low. It is hard to convince a rested person, but it is easy to convince a tired person by doing a cerebral job...

5. Nagging: “Nagging” is consuming the mind of the other person. Kids use this option a lot. They blow their parents’ heads off and reach their wishes easily.

6. Convince women face to face: Women are easier to convince in face-to-face. However, e-mails is not attractive to them. The reason is to prevent them from having social contact...

7. Convince men by email: It isn’t very important for the man to be face to face. They are much easier to convince when they exchange virtual ideas on the Internet. E-mail is a very effective weapon as it suppresses men’s competitive impulses...

8. Make people angry!: Yes, anger is a dangerous feeling, but the most effective way to take control of someone else. Because anger makes the other person feel powerful. I mean, they’re gonna get fired up. It is also very easy to convince anyone who is getting fired up.

9. Draw their attention to how you say, not what you say: Those who speak with indecisive expressions such as “as you know”, “like that”, they lose their power of persuasion. Besides, never give the audience enough time to think about what you are saying.

10. Break the resistance!: If you want to people to change their views, put a strong debate ahead of them. As the discussion progress, slowly pull people towards the target and those who resist you are flattered. People become even more open to messages they don’t trust when they feel good about themselves.

11. Scare them: This factor is used especially in campaigns. Horror themes such as “death, cancer” are brought forward to prevent people from smoking.

12. A feeling of guilt: You have to give the guilt a very delicate dose. When you miss the dose, things go wrong. Because no one wants to be seen as “bad” by someone else.

Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/sosyal-muhendislik/942512-iknanin-sifresi-nedir.html
Translator: Provido

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