What is Web Design?


Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020
What is Web Design?


“What is web design?” or “What is web design?” If we give one short answer to the question; Web designing; It is the presentation of the web page contents consisting of images and texts to the website visitors in an orderly manner. Definitions such as website design, web design project or website construction are also used synonymously with web design.

In order to design a web, first of all, a project is needed. The company, person, brand or product is the main subject of the project. E.g; doctor or dentist website, company website, hotel website, health center or hospital website is a web design project. As it is understood from here, web design is all the work of coding, arranging and publishing website pages on the internet for the purpose of promoting people, institutions or organizations. Experts who do these studies are called web designers, web designers or web masters.

How to Web Design?

A website goes through many stages before it is published.

Determination of the Project
Corporate Identity Study
Graphic Design Study
Coding of Web Pages
Content Management System Integration
Test Process of the Website
Publishing the Website

These stages also contain more detailed studies within themselves.

Determination Of The Project


Needs are taken into account when determining the project. The purpose of the website may be to promote the person or institution, or it may be to highlight the commercial activities of the company. At this point, comprehensive competitor analyzes are made. While the project is being determined, the purpose of the website and the content of the website become clear.

Corporate Identity Study

Corporate identity work is the work that needs to be completed before the web design project comes to life. E.g; The company logo is a part of the corporate identity work. The colors used on the website should be in direct proportion to the corporate colors of the company. Logo, color, slogan, etc. Corporate identity elements are the most important elements used in web design.

Graphic Design Study

In graphic design studies, corporate identity studies are based. Visual design of web pages is done by using pixel-based image and photo editing programs such as Adobe Photoshop. Images such as pictures, photographs and graphics to be used on web pages are carefully prepared and positioned in appropriate and correct places.

Web Page Coding


Various programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python and ASP are used in the coding process of web pages. For internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Internet Explorer to display websites, web pages must be encoded in these languages. As a result of graphic design, coding of web pages and creation of web page contents, the general structure and appearance of the website emerge.

Content Management System (CMS) Integration

Content Management System (CMS), website owner's web pages photos, pictures, tables, graphics, video, text, etc. software that allows you to add and remove content. CMS software allows the website owner to update the site content without being dependent on the web designer. However, nowadays, CMS software is not only used for updating websites. Many web design services companies or freelance designers can offer their services by using CMS software in their web design work. CMS software, features, usage areas and benefits of CMS software can be examined under a separate heading, although it is a very comprehensive subject.

Test Process of the Website

In this process, which shows whether the web design works are done correctly or not, the missing or excess works are determined. There may be details that should be on the website but are overlooked. Sometimes it's a technical issue and sometimes it's about visual or text-oriented content. During the testing phases, the visual status of web pages, their appearance on mobile devices, page opening speeds, etc. By performing the necessary controls on the issues, the working performance of the website is brought to the optimal level.

Publishing the Website


Of course, there are different topics that can be expressed in web design stages. However, in the simplest terms, a web design project goes through these processes. As a result of extensive and detailed studies, the website is ready for publication. In order for the website to be published, a domain name called a domain and a hosting service where the website pages will be hosted are needed. After receiving the domain name and hosting service, the website is published. After the website is published, it is necessary to send the sitemap where each web page is defined to the search engines. Google Search Engine is the most used search engine today. After the website is published, the sitemap of the website is sent to Google. The website is indexed and displayed by visitors in Google search results.


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Uzman üye
15 May 2021
En el universo
What is Web Design?


“What is web design?” or “What is web design?” If we give one short answer to the question; Web designing; It is the presentation of the web page contents consisting of images and texts to the website visitors in an orderly manner. Definitions such as website design, web design project or website construction are also used synonymously with web design.

In order to design a web, first of all, a project is needed. The company, person, brand or product is the main subject of the project. E.g; doctor or dentist website, company website, hotel website, health center or hospital website is a web design project. As it is understood from here, web design is all the work of coding, arranging and publishing website pages on the internet for the purpose of promoting people, institutions or organizations. Experts who do these studies are called web designers, web designers or web masters.

How to Web Design?

A website goes through many stages before it is published.

Determination of the Project
Corporate Identity Study
Graphic Design Study
Coding of Web Pages
Content Management System Integration
Test Process of the Website
Publishing the Website

These stages also contain more detailed studies within themselves.

Determination Of The Project


Needs are taken into account when determining the project. The purpose of the website may be to promote the person or institution, or it may be to highlight the commercial activities of the company. At this point, comprehensive competitor analyzes are made. While the project is being determined, the purpose of the website and the content of the website become clear.

Corporate Identity Study

Corporate identity work is the work that needs to be completed before the web design project comes to life. E.g; The company logo is a part of the corporate identity work. The colors used on the website should be in direct proportion to the corporate colors of the company. Logo, color, slogan, etc. Corporate identity elements are the most important elements used in web design.

Graphic Design Study

In graphic design studies, corporate identity studies are based. Visual design of web pages is done by using pixel-based image and photo editing programs such as Adobe Photoshop. Images such as pictures, photographs and graphics to be used on web pages are carefully prepared and positioned in appropriate and correct places.

Web Page Coding


Various programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python and ASP are used in the coding process of web pages. For internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Internet Explorer to display websites, web pages must be encoded in these languages. As a result of graphic design, coding of web pages and creation of web page contents, the general structure and appearance of the website emerge.

Content Management System (CMS) Integration

Content Management System (CMS), website owner's web pages photos, pictures, tables, graphics, video, text, etc. software that allows you to add and remove content. CMS software allows the website owner to update the site content without being dependent on the web designer. However, nowadays, CMS software is not only used for updating websites. Many web design services companies or freelance designers can offer their services by using CMS software in their web design work. CMS software, features, usage areas and benefits of CMS software can be examined under a separate heading, although it is a very comprehensive subject.

Test Process of the Website

In this process, which shows whether the web design works are done correctly or not, the missing or excess works are determined. There may be details that should be on the website but are overlooked. Sometimes it's a technical issue and sometimes it's about visual or text-oriented content. During the testing phases, the visual status of web pages, their appearance on mobile devices, page opening speeds, etc. By performing the necessary controls on the issues, the working performance of the website is brought to the optimal level.

Publishing the Website


Of course, there are different topics that can be expressed in web design stages. However, in the simplest terms, a web design project goes through these processes. As a result of extensive and detailed studies, the website is ready for publication. In order for the website to be published, a domain name called a domain and a hosting service where the website pages will be hosted are needed. After receiving the domain name and hosting service, the website is published. After the website is published, it is necessary to send the sitemap where each web page is defined to the search engines. Google Search Engine is the most used search engine today. After the website is published, the sitemap of the website is sent to Google. The website is indexed and displayed by visitors in Google search results.


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Nice topic


Uzman üye
7 Kas 2021
What is Web Design?


“What is web design?” or “What is web design?” If we give one short answer to the question; Web designing; It is the presentation of the web page contents consisting of images and texts to the website visitors in an orderly manner. Definitions such as website design, web design project or website construction are also used synonymously with web design.

In order to design a web, first of all, a project is needed. The company, person, brand or product is the main subject of the project. E.g; doctor or dentist website, company website, hotel website, health center or hospital website is a web design project. As it is understood from here, web design is all the work of coding, arranging and publishing website pages on the internet for the purpose of promoting people, institutions or organizations. Experts who do these studies are called web designers, web designers or web masters.

How to Web Design?

A website goes through many stages before it is published.

Determination of the Project
Corporate Identity Study
Graphic Design Study
Coding of Web Pages
Content Management System Integration
Test Process of the Website
Publishing the Website

These stages also contain more detailed studies within themselves.

Determination Of The Project


Needs are taken into account when determining the project. The purpose of the website may be to promote the person or institution, or it may be to highlight the commercial activities of the company. At this point, comprehensive competitor analyzes are made. While the project is being determined, the purpose of the website and the content of the website become clear.

Corporate Identity Study

Corporate identity work is the work that needs to be completed before the web design project comes to life. E.g; The company logo is a part of the corporate identity work. The colors used on the website should be in direct proportion to the corporate colors of the company. Logo, color, slogan, etc. Corporate identity elements are the most important elements used in web design.

Graphic Design Study

In graphic design studies, corporate identity studies are based. Visual design of web pages is done by using pixel-based image and photo editing programs such as Adobe Photoshop. Images such as pictures, photographs and graphics to be used on web pages are carefully prepared and positioned in appropriate and correct places.

Web Page Coding


Various programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python and ASP are used in the coding process of web pages. For internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Internet Explorer to display websites, web pages must be encoded in these languages. As a result of graphic design, coding of web pages and creation of web page contents, the general structure and appearance of the website emerge.

Content Management System (CMS) Integration

Content Management System (CMS), website owner's web pages photos, pictures, tables, graphics, video, text, etc. software that allows you to add and remove content. CMS software allows the website owner to update the site content without being dependent on the web designer. However, nowadays, CMS software is not only used for updating websites. Many web design services companies or freelance designers can offer their services by using CMS software in their web design work. CMS software, features, usage areas and benefits of CMS software can be examined under a separate heading, although it is a very comprehensive subject.

Test Process of the Website

In this process, which shows whether the web design works are done correctly or not, the missing or excess works are determined. There may be details that should be on the website but are overlooked. Sometimes it's a technical issue and sometimes it's about visual or text-oriented content. During the testing phases, the visual status of web pages, their appearance on mobile devices, page opening speeds, etc. By performing the necessary controls on the issues, the working performance of the website is brought to the optimal level.

Publishing the Website


Of course, there are different topics that can be expressed in web design stages. However, in the simplest terms, a web design project goes through these processes. As a result of extensive and detailed studies, the website is ready for publication. In order for the website to be published, a domain name called a domain and a hosting service where the website pages will be hosted are needed. After receiving the domain name and hosting service, the website is published. After the website is published, it is necessary to send the sitemap where each web page is defined to the search engines. Google Search Engine is the most used search engine today. After the website is published, the sitemap of the website is sent to Google. The website is indexed and displayed by visitors in Google search results.


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Nice Topic

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