Who is Atilla Kagan?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013

Hello all of you TürkHackTeam members, I will inform you about "ATTILA Kagan" in this position.


Who is ATTILA Kagan?

He is a Khagan who has ruled the Western HUN state and instilled fear in Europe all his life, who owns all of Europe.

Although it is debated what origin it comes from, the evidence clearly proves that it is of Turkish ancestry.

With an army of 50,000 men, she was forced to besiege Rome and marry the Princess of Rome.

After marrying the Princess of Rome, the Princess of Rome treacherously poisoned her, resulting in her arriving on a flight.

He has such a tough personality:

He didn't laugh or talk unless he had to.

He is a Kagan who is always on horseback and does not get off horseback unless necessary, and who knows how to use horses.

According to an epic:

A shepherd finds a sharp sword, the tip of which is protruding outwards,

He takes this sword and presents it to ATTILA Kagan.

This sword is such that:

It has the power to cut a person without making them feel it.

In the time of ATTILA Kagan, he was called "The Whip of God - the Sword of God" because of this power.

It is so that people tell him:

"You are the Whip of God - Your sword punishes with you those who depart from your justice."

One day, the followers of the bishop of Maghros go to the Turkish graves to steal.

Hearing this, ATTILA Kagan takes Maghros under his protection, and as a result, the bishop helps the Huns in his life.

His tomb has not been found, but according to an estimated investigation, it is thought to be around the Danube river in Budapest.

Although it is thought that the burial chamber found by the workers digging the foundation of the bridge belongs to Attila Kagan, it is not a definite information.

He created such fear in Rome:

Weeping and kneeling, the Pope said to him:

"O protector of the poor... O fear of the oppressors... O great Horseman! Behold, Pope Leo I, the representative of all Christians, I plead before you with a knee. Don't go into Rome."

Hun and Roman relations continued without any problems for only 10 years, and began to deteriorate after 10 years.

As a result, Rome sought allies who wanted to oppose ATTILA.

He organized 2 expeditions to the Balkans.

Western Rome, on the other hand, constantly supported the European HUN state.

Despite this, the intuitive ATTILA Kagan secretly thought twice about his plans to attack Western Rome.

As a result, he thought the time to use the ring from Honoria had come and gone.

The Turkish meaning of the name ATTİLA is "ATA".

It is also thought that the meaning of its name in different sources is "Steel".

Apart from that, it was also thought to be "Atacık".

As for the meaning of the name, another opinion:

It is also thought that it was called ATTILA because of its predisposition to horses.

The origin of its name is different in each source.

Physically strong,

Intuitively powerful,




Good forecaster,

Timing well,


Believing in himself,



Who does everything he says,


He was a leader with such personal qualities.

He was very angry and serious, he didn't like jokes at all and found it unnecessary.

This is all the information I have gathered from different sources about ATTILA Kagan, who is known as one of the best known leaders in the world.

Remember! The date may change and the accuracy of this information is unknown.

It is thought to be Kagan.


Quick Fact:

ATTILA Kagan lived for 400 years.

He saved Rome from a rebellion by helping Rome.

In 434, he taxed Byzantium.

He is known as one of the best leaders in the world.

He entered Gaul in 451.

It is still feared in most European states today.

He lived in 395-453 years (he arrived on a plane at the age of 53).

He is one of the most ruthless leaders.

His father was Muncuk (Boncuk) Han.

His brother is "Bleda".

His first known wife was "Ildiko".









A few photos that can depict him:








Translator: @ByFelez

Subject Author: @Nikon of Disast

Topic: https://www.turkhackteam.org/konular/donemi-attila-kagan-kimdir.2011689/


Katılımcı Üye
15 May 2016

Hello all of you TürkHackTeam members, I will inform you about "ATTILA Kagan" in this position.


Who is ATTILA Kagan?

He is a Khagan who has ruled the Western HUN state and instilled fear in Europe all his life, who owns all of Europe.

Although it is debated what origin it comes from, the evidence clearly proves that it is of Turkish ancestry.

With an army of 50,000 men, she was forced to besiege Rome and marry the Princess of Rome.

After marrying the Princess of Rome, the Princess of Rome treacherously poisoned her, resulting in her arriving on a flight.

He has such a tough personality:

He didn't laugh or talk unless he had to.

He is a Kagan who is always on horseback and does not get off horseback unless necessary, and who knows how to use horses.

According to an epic:

A shepherd finds a sharp sword, the tip of which is protruding outwards,

He takes this sword and presents it to ATTILA Kagan.

This sword is such that:

It has the power to cut a person without making them feel it.

In the time of ATTILA Kagan, he was called "The Whip of God - the Sword of God" because of this power.

It is so that people tell him:

"You are the Whip of God - Your sword punishes with you those who depart from your justice."

One day, the followers of the bishop of Maghros go to the Turkish graves to steal.

Hearing this, ATTILA Kagan takes Maghros under his protection, and as a result, the bishop helps the Huns in his life.

His tomb has not been found, but according to an estimated investigation, it is thought to be around the Danube river in Budapest.

Although it is thought that the burial chamber found by the workers digging the foundation of the bridge belongs to Attila Kagan, it is not a definite information.

He created such fear in Rome:

Weeping and kneeling, the Pope said to him:

"O protector of the poor... O fear of the oppressors... O great Horseman! Behold, Pope Leo I, the representative of all Christians, I plead before you with a knee. Don't go into Rome."

Hun and Roman relations continued without any problems for only 10 years, and began to deteriorate after 10 years.

As a result, Rome sought allies who wanted to oppose ATTILA.

He organized 2 expeditions to the Balkans.

Western Rome, on the other hand, constantly supported the European HUN state.

Despite this, the intuitive ATTILA Kagan secretly thought twice about his plans to attack Western Rome.

As a result, he thought the time to use the ring from Honoria had come and gone.

The Turkish meaning of the name ATTİLA is "ATA".

It is also thought that the meaning of its name in different sources is "Steel".

Apart from that, it was also thought to be "Atacık".

As for the meaning of the name, another opinion:

It is also thought that it was called ATTILA because of its predisposition to horses.

The origin of its name is different in each source.

Physically strong,

Intuitively powerful,




Good forecaster,

Timing well,


Believing in himself,



Who does everything he says,


He was a leader with such personal qualities.

He was very angry and serious, he didn't like jokes at all and found it unnecessary.

This is all the information I have gathered from different sources about ATTILA Kagan, who is known as one of the best known leaders in the world.

Remember! The date may change and the accuracy of this information is unknown.

It is thought to be Kagan.


Quick Fact:

ATTILA Kagan lived for 400 years.

He saved Rome from a rebellion by helping Rome.

In 434, he taxed Byzantium.

He is known as one of the best leaders in the world.

He entered Gaul in 451.

It is still feared in most European states today.

He lived in 395-453 years (he arrived on a plane at the age of 53).

He is one of the most ruthless leaders.

His father was Muncuk (Boncuk) Han.

His brother is "Bleda".

His first known wife was "Ildiko".









A few photos that can depict him:








Translator: @ByFelez

Subject Author: @Nikon of Disast

Topic: https://www.turkhackteam.org/konular/donemi-attila-kagan-kimdir.2011689/
nice subject

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