Why Doesn't Adsense Approve My Website? Most Common Mistakes


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
I guess, Adsense is one of the most solid ways to make money for enthusiastic people who are just starting to make money in the internet world, which most users do. However, adsense, which was difficult to add before, has become much more difficult today. If you want to add your site to adsense but you cannot get approval, it may be useful to read this article.

Actually, there are all kinds of reasons why your site is not accepted, but here I will tell you the errors that I have encountered the most and that cause the most failure, so I assume that your site does not have any technical problems such as host or domain issues.​


Now let's examine some of the adsense terms and interpret what they mean so you can find your problem.​

- Content that is rich and completely original, unique and appreciate to users.

BI have to explain this article thsi way; It is about being a monopoly of something. To give an example, as you know, there are a ton of recipe sites and they all want to earn on adsense. In this case, adsense looks at the situation among them which site can offer me more content? Again, to give the same example, the site "x" offers a lot of Turkish recipes and is successful in its business, its opponent "y" site shares Turkish recipes, but also shares recipes from Italian, German and Russian cuisines. When Adsense reviews the both sitse, y website automatically takes priority over website x.​

- If you have not applied with a URL address that has not previously experienced a policy violation regarding AdSense,

Another important point that Adsense pays attention to is that you have not done anything against Adsense before, in this case, it will be the best decision to start from beginning with the new site and gmail account.​

If the URL is at least 2 months old (for URL addresses such as site.com), it is 6 months for extensions such as site.blogspot.co.uk.​

I added this here because I want to tell about something important. Although it says that it gets adsense domain sites (examplesite.com) earlier, unfortunately it does not match the blogger. Yet, it's easier to get adsense approval through Blogger, even if you have a long wait time.​

If you did not include elements such as copy, repetitive content, under construction, 404 error, copyright,​

This is a simple case, but the important point here is let's say you created an App download site. The posts you will make should be in the form of a different template than the previous share, that is, when a user comes, you should not feel as if the articles were taken by a bot from another site and then copy and paste. I can say that the best example of this is internet news websites.​

- During the application phase and your application is ongoing, If you have not included the verification codes or advertisements of different advertiser companies​

In this case, one of the situations that I encounter very often, do not have pop ups on your site like link.tl etc. It should not have any code in your HTML so that Google bots won't notice it.​


Let's look at all of the other Google Adsense terms now.​

- If your URL can be reached without www,
- Content that is rich in content and completely original, unique and appropriates for users,
- If you have a design that is easy to navigate and users can easily find what they are looking for, if you continue in accordance with the webmaster quality guidelines,
- If you have not applied with a URL address that has not previously experienced a policy violation regarding AdSense,
- If your application for Terms and Conditions is eligible,
- If you have correctly placed your Auto ad code between the <head> tag of each page you want to advertise when you apply,
- If the URL is at least 2 months old (for URL addresses such as site.com), it is 6 months for domains such as site.blogspot.co.uk,
- If you did not include elements such as copy, repetitive content, under construction, 404 error, copyright,
- If you are not using a pop-up menu (not eligible for ad placement policies), No pop-ups,
- During the application phase and your application is ongoing, If you have not included the verification codes or advertisements of different advertiser companies
- If there are no codes that refréshing pages in certain periods in your site codes,
- If the mobile platform tests have passed successfully (you can test it with the Google search console),
- If your site has a sustainable structure and you are constantly updating it,
- If you provide users with a valid reason to visit your site,
- If you do not have copyrighted content or materials,
- If there is no duplicate or repetitive content,
- If you do not have a compile, aggregate structure,
- If you do not have pages such as under construction, in preparation or soon..
- If it complies with the policies, including the sites you redirect to (because you redirect the user)
- If your site is programmed with its codes and your page/pages do not renew itself within a certain time,
- If there is no other user's publisher ID or verification codes for adsense during the application phase,
- If the same ad codes you placed on your pages are not added repeatedly,
- If there are more images than the content on your site,
- If your organic traffic is well(Google/Organic must be first in the tab Google analytics - Acquisition - All traffic - resource tool), there is no reason why you should not get approval. If you can't see AdSense data in Analytics, review this article.

Google Bot (Adsense browser) visits your site at certain times and reports constantly. It gives you time to correct any issues it deems negative. This process sometimes results in a week, sometimes it takes a month or a half year. If you do not receive any positive or negative feedback by the end of a month and a half, please contact Google again. Finally, try the Google's troubleshooter.​


Yes, as you can see, I explained the main reasons and the most common mistakes. If the application has been sent and not approved, do not send one more application for 1 month, continue to making shares. You can send the application again at the end of 1 month. Thank you for reading, Have a good day ...​


Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/google-yandex-alexa-yahoo/1937988-adsense-sitemi-neden-onaylamiyor-en-yaygin-hatalar.html
Translator: Dolyetyus
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