Wi-Fi Phisher


Yeni üye
1 Eki 2020
Hello guys, first of all I present my thanks to ch_arli41 who has helped me open this thread. Today I'll present you the script named Wi-Fi Phisher. As it being different from the methods that you've known till now. This script doesn't hack Wi-Fi network's password via Brute Force or WPS PIN hacking. It creates a fake, cloned network. I'll head to instructions if you wish.
Requirements :

-> Backtrack Linux (Preferrably),
-> Wi-Fi Phisher Script
-> Usb Wireless Chip,
-> 2 Wi-Fi Interface

First of all download the software from this link and extract it. Approve that there are two interfaces by entering "iwconfig" to the terminal. Enter "python wifiphisher.py" command by going to the directory that we have extracted the files. The process will begin. After some time, we'll see the located Wi-Fi connections at our surroundings. After the target network shows up, By performing "Ctrl+c" combination, we stop the process and select the network that we want to clone. After applying this step, your internet connection will be cut off. After the person with information about the targeted network's password wants to connect to the internet, he'll get a fake router update warning as shown below. After the person enters the password, we'll have the Wi-Fi network's password on " Http Requests " section.


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