WordPress Hacking #1: WPScan


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
Today we will examine the "WPScan" hack tool used to hack WordPress sites, let's get started:

What's WPScan?

WPScan, or in its unabridged form, WordPress Security Scanner is a hacking tool that is made by the WPScan Team using the Ruby programming language.

What operating systems does WPScan run on?

WPScan can be operated with different methods in many operating systems such as Windows, macOS, especially Linux and Linux distributions.

Now, I'll show you how you can run and use WPScan on Kali Linux.


Let's learn how to use WPScan, now let's open the terminal for this and start using it.

wpscan --url site.com # it general scans about the site

wpscan --url site.com –enumerate p # it shows the WordPress plugins available on the site.

wpscan --url site.com –enumerate vp # it shows have vulnerable plugins

wpscan –url www.siteniz.com –enumerate u # it shows the authorized persons on the site and their usernames.

wpscan –url www.siteniz.com –enumerate t # it shows the theme used on the site.

wpscan --help # it shows all commands.

Brute force attack to the site.

wpscan --url site.com --usernames target-user-name --password password / list / where / directory



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