You've Only Got 3 Seconds!


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3 Tem 2016
Everything is done when you walked into the room. You're now evaluated by everyone whoever just even glance at you in only three seconds. Your apparel and hairstyle are evaluated, your self-supportingness is noticed, your jewelries and clothes are observed. Your greeting someone next to door is also observed and it means that you just created an impression irrevocably in three seconds. Someone who watched you while you were walking into the room might be aroused curiosity and wants to meet you more. But maybe they've already dropped you completely.

This process is valid for every situations that you just met someone. We start to size them up in the first seconds. We try to look for something in common. This situation works so fast and superficial but we gonna use that first impression for irrevocable judgements. This is how that process work:

- If someone is on comparable tradal or social level, it's thought that s/he is available for more interaction.

- If someone is on more tradal or social level, it evokes admiration and qualified as an important relationship.

- If someone is on less tradal or social level, there'll be tolerance to show but they'll be kept at arm's length.

- When the person is attended an interview, it's thought that if s/he is available for corporation chemistry or not which affects to result directly.

These kind of evaluations are performed all the time in both business life and social life. That 3 seconds evaluation will tell them everything and nothing you say can change their opinion about you. If you'll be able to impress them in 3 seconds as best as you can, that means that you can easily get them under yours thumb. But if you couldn't impress them, however hard you try, nothing can change this situation.

It's your choice. It's either you'll be a victim of this process or try to learn how to control your impression and change it to win in every situation. To do that; you need to know your strongness and weekness, creating an aim, and enough dicipline to make it happen.


Get used to it. Your number is exist in the real world. Getting know where you're coming from will take a couple seconds. They can chew you cud in a couple seconds! It's an nettlesome fact that you're getting judged this mercilessly.
It's claimed that business and social relations are naive and untainted, and it's determined according to only person's character by small amount of people. A meeting, interview, social event - these each are all theater play. You're a player and you have to play your role as convincing as possible to get the job, to gain customer, or to join a club. There are two ways to do that, method or technique.

Method requires that actor needs to impersonate his role. If he needs to cry in a scene, he reminds himself a sad sight of himself. But technique is vice versa. Feelings are performed without really feeling them inside of himself. For example, actor needs to what kind of facial expressions when you get mad and try to learn them. And in stage, just try to imitate these facial expressions.


Gender - Most of people would prefer to develop business relation with men.

Skin - Person's skin color affects the process of communicating.

Age - People are prone to communicating with peers.

Appearance - It's defined by statu or class clothes, behaviour, and style.

Expression - People's facial expressions reveal their manners most of time.

Eye Contact - Direct eye contact is expected in some western societies but it's not like that in some Asia and Africa societies.

Stance - A proper stance indicates positive self-respect.

Distance - People choose to stand close or distant according to their cultures.

Touch - Starchily handshake is normal in western societies. But even touching isn't allowed in some eastern societies.

Body Smell - Personal hygiene has highest priority. Halitosis and body odor are unlikeable!

Changing first two characteristics shouldn't be expected. There is no point to enter into a discussion with troglodyte about gender or race is no longer matter.


It's real that people will always judge you in order to determine your statu, power, and potential. They can understand it by who you are, how you represent yourself, what you said, and how you acted. Believe it or not, we reveal our character and personality with it's real clues. :)

Image is all about impression that we left on others. These are your inner characteristics that how audiences react emotionally and intellectually. These are opinions that created by people whoever want to believe you or not according to class or value system.

The power of creating image is a picture of your potential and abilities in audiences' mind. Audiences' mind can be affected by every each of your view and behaviour detail. Where you went, what you did, and how you gonna react to next challange are all unspoken power. It's untested source that make boss to trust you before you got the job.
Appearance is not about skin. Someone might be appear as someone you can trust but don't trust it. There must be a source under that situation to complete this. High ethical and moral standards will also support our impression....

Translator: R4V3N

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