What is Software Architecture?


Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020
What is Software Architecture?

We can say that the concepts that determine the ground requirements of the structure on which you will install software architecture. The software project, from the programming language to be chosen to the database structure, from the flexibility to the security and hardware needs, should be designed completely before starting the coding. The people who make this design are the software architects of the project. The software architect designs the project from the beginning to the end, steps in when necessary and ensures that the architecture he has designed is not exceeded throughout the process.


Why Do We Need Software Architecture?

The software development process is a complex process for comprehensive functional and large projects. If you do not want to experience any clutter and blockage in this process, you should direct your project with an architecture. This architectural direction that you will draw will allow you to manage the complexity of the structure you will install and to protect this structure as a whole. However, projects written without a well-constructed architecture do not accept the software and technologies to be added to it in the future. A well-planned architecture is at the top of the list of things to do in order to come up with robust systems that are usable and easy to implement.


What Are the Required Features in Software Architecture?

Functionality: It expresses the performance level of the software according to its intended use.
Reliability: It refers to the ability of the product to offer the desired functionality under the given conditions.
Usability: It expresses how easily the software product can be used.
Performance: Refers to the estimation based on processing speed, response time, resource usage, throughput and productivity.
Supportability: It refers to the ease with which programming developers can transfer software from one platform to another with no or minimal modifications.
Confidence: It refers to the ability to perform optimally despite the interruption of one of the independent services.


What is a Software Architect?

software architect; It is the person who designs structural solutions in quality areas such as management, performance and safety in order to meet the operational and technical requirements determined according to the required needs. Before starting coding in a software project, he/she prepares a design.


What Does a Software Architect Do?

The tasks of software architects, whose responsibilities are wide and difficult, can be listed as follows:

Selecting the technologies to be used in the project,
Selecting and following ready-made controls that will speed up,
Using the framework
Advising on project methodology and processes,
Choosing a methodology or process such as RUP, XP and MSF,
Choosing quality standards such as AQAP, ISO and CMM,
Using development techniques such as Test Driven Development (TDD), Domain Driven Development (DDD) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA),
Creating and maintaining the overall design structure of applications,
Evaluating the appropriate ones in project parameters such as quality, technique, time and scope,
Checking whether the project is at a sufficient level,
Documenting the application design.


have a nice day



Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
What is Software Architecture?

We can say that the concepts that determine the ground requirements of the structure on which you will install software architecture. The software project, from the programming language to be chosen to the database structure, from the flexibility to the security and hardware needs, should be designed completely before starting the coding. The people who make this design are the software architects of the project. The software architect designs the project from the beginning to the end, steps in when necessary and ensures that the architecture he has designed is not exceeded throughout the process.


Why Do We Need Software Architecture?

The software development process is a complex process for comprehensive functional and large projects. If you do not want to experience any clutter and blockage in this process, you should direct your project with an architecture. This architectural direction that you will draw will allow you to manage the complexity of the structure you will install and to protect this structure as a whole. However, projects written without a well-constructed architecture do not accept the software and technologies to be added to it in the future. A well-planned architecture is at the top of the list of things to do in order to come up with robust systems that are usable and easy to implement.


What Are the Required Features in Software Architecture?

Functionality: It expresses the performance level of the software according to its intended use.
Reliability: It refers to the ability of the product to offer the desired functionality under the given conditions.
Usability: It expresses how easily the software product can be used.
Performance: Refers to the estimation based on processing speed, response time, resource usage, throughput and productivity.
Supportability: It refers to the ease with which programming developers can transfer software from one platform to another with no or minimal modifications.
Confidence: It refers to the ability to perform optimally despite the interruption of one of the independent services.


What is a Software Architect?

software architect; It is the person who designs structural solutions in quality areas such as management, performance and safety in order to meet the operational and technical requirements determined according to the required needs. Before starting coding in a software project, he/she prepares a design.


What Does a Software Architect Do?

The tasks of software architects, whose responsibilities are wide and difficult, can be listed as follows:

Selecting the technologies to be used in the project,
Selecting and following ready-made controls that will speed up,
Using the framework
Advising on project methodology and processes,
Choosing a methodology or process such as RUP, XP and MSF,
Choosing quality standards such as AQAP, ISO and CMM,
Using development techniques such as Test Driven Development (TDD), Domain Driven Development (DDD) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA),
Creating and maintaining the overall design structure of applications,
Evaluating the appropriate ones in project parameters such as quality, technique, time and scope,
Checking whether the project is at a sufficient level,
Documenting the application design.


have a nice day

Nice topic.


Katılımcı Üye
9 Kas 2021
Siber Şubede geziyor.
What is Software Architecture?

We can say that the concepts that determine the ground requirements of the structure on which you will install software architecture. The software project, from the programming language to be chosen to the database structure, from the flexibility to the security and hardware needs, should be designed completely before starting the coding. The people who make this design are the software architects of the project. The software architect designs the project from the beginning to the end, steps in when necessary and ensures that the architecture he has designed is not exceeded throughout the process.


Why Do We Need Software Architecture?

The software development process is a complex process for comprehensive functional and large projects. If you do not want to experience any clutter and blockage in this process, you should direct your project with an architecture. This architectural direction that you will draw will allow you to manage the complexity of the structure you will install and to protect this structure as a whole. However, projects written without a well-constructed architecture do not accept the software and technologies to be added to it in the future. A well-planned architecture is at the top of the list of things to do in order to come up with robust systems that are usable and easy to implement.


What Are the Required Features in Software Architecture?

Functionality: It expresses the performance level of the software according to its intended use.
Reliability: It refers to the ability of the product to offer the desired functionality under the given conditions.
Usability: It expresses how easily the software product can be used.
Performance: Refers to the estimation based on processing speed, response time, resource usage, throughput and productivity.
Supportability: It refers to the ease with which programming developers can transfer software from one platform to another with no or minimal modifications.
Confidence: It refers to the ability to perform optimally despite the interruption of one of the independent services.


What is a Software Architect?

software architect; It is the person who designs structural solutions in quality areas such as management, performance and safety in order to meet the operational and technical requirements determined according to the required needs. Before starting coding in a software project, he/she prepares a design.


What Does a Software Architect Do?

The tasks of software architects, whose responsibilities are wide and difficult, can be listed as follows:

Selecting the technologies to be used in the project,
Selecting and following ready-made controls that will speed up,
Using the framework
Advising on project methodology and processes,
Choosing a methodology or process such as RUP, XP and MSF,
Choosing quality standards such as AQAP, ISO and CMM,
Using development techniques such as Test Driven Development (TDD), Domain Driven Development (DDD) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA),
Creating and maintaining the overall design structure of applications,
Evaluating the appropriate ones in project parameters such as quality, technique, time and scope,
Checking whether the project is at a sufficient level,
Documenting the application design.


have a nice day



Katılımcı Üye
15 May 2016
What is Software Architecture?

We can say that the concepts that determine the ground requirements of the structure on which you will install software architecture. The software project, from the programming language to be chosen to the database structure, from the flexibility to the security and hardware needs, should be designed completely before starting the coding. The people who make this design are the software architects of the project. The software architect designs the project from the beginning to the end, steps in when necessary and ensures that the architecture he has designed is not exceeded throughout the process.


Why Do We Need Software Architecture?

The software development process is a complex process for comprehensive functional and large projects. If you do not want to experience any clutter and blockage in this process, you should direct your project with an architecture. This architectural direction that you will draw will allow you to manage the complexity of the structure you will install and to protect this structure as a whole. However, projects written without a well-constructed architecture do not accept the software and technologies to be added to it in the future. A well-planned architecture is at the top of the list of things to do in order to come up with robust systems that are usable and easy to implement.


What Are the Required Features in Software Architecture?

Functionality: It expresses the performance level of the software according to its intended use.
Reliability: It refers to the ability of the product to offer the desired functionality under the given conditions.
Usability: It expresses how easily the software product can be used.
Performance: Refers to the estimation based on processing speed, response time, resource usage, throughput and productivity.
Supportability: It refers to the ease with which programming developers can transfer software from one platform to another with no or minimal modifications.
Confidence: It refers to the ability to perform optimally despite the interruption of one of the independent services.


What is a Software Architect?

software architect; It is the person who designs structural solutions in quality areas such as management, performance and safety in order to meet the operational and technical requirements determined according to the required needs. Before starting coding in a software project, he/she prepares a design.


What Does a Software Architect Do?

The tasks of software architects, whose responsibilities are wide and difficult, can be listed as follows:

Selecting the technologies to be used in the project,
Selecting and following ready-made controls that will speed up,
Using the framework
Advising on project methodology and processes,
Choosing a methodology or process such as RUP, XP and MSF,
Choosing quality standards such as AQAP, ISO and CMM,
Using development techniques such as Test Driven Development (TDD), Domain Driven Development (DDD) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA),
Creating and maintaining the overall design structure of applications,
Evaluating the appropriate ones in project parameters such as quality, technique, time and scope,
Checking whether the project is at a sufficient level,
Documenting the application design.


have a nice day

Nice Subject , good project

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