"Beginner Python Tutorial" - First part


8 Eyl 2009
Seni seçtim 3.14Kachu

"Beginner Python Tutorial" - First part

Hello to everyone,​

I will share short training information and documents about Python with you. These trainings will continue as Beginner - Intermediate and Advanced levels, respectively. Today we will start with the first lesson of our Beginner level training.​

I hope it is useful.​

What is Python?

Python is an object-oriented, interpretative, modular, and interactive high-level programming language.​

Its modular structure supports class string (system) and any data field input. It can run on almost any platform (Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows, Amiga, Symbian).​

You can develop software in many areas such as​

  1. system programming,​

  2. user interface programming,​

  3. network programming,​

  4. web programming,​

  5. application and database software programming with Python.​

Development began in 1990 by Guido van Rossum in Amsterdam. Contrary to popular belief, it got its name not from a snake, but from the show Monty Python's Flying Circus, which Guido van Rossum loved so much, a six-man British comedy group called Monty Python.​

Python is designed to be extremely easy to read. So, for example, indentation is used instead of curly braces. In some cases, the relevant part of the code can be written in a single line without the need for indentation. Thus, Python allows you to write your program code quickly and with minimal effort.​

What can it do with Python?

  • It can be used on a server to build web applications.​

  • It can be used alongside software to create workflows.​

  • It can connect to database systems. It can also read and modify files.​

  • It can be used to process big data and perform complex mathematical operations.​

  • It can be used for rapid prototyping or production-ready software development.​

Python Install

From here you can download and install the version suitable for your system.​

👉 Python Download 👈

After installing Python on your system, follow these steps to confirm.​

For Windows 👉 Win+R --> type cmd in the search field and run it. Then in the console screen that opens, type --> python --version and press Enter.​

For Linux and Mac​


command line in Linux​

Open Terminal on Mac and type -- > python --version​

Integrated Development Environments (IDE) for Python

Thonny -- > Download

Pycharm -- > Download

Netbeans -- > Download

Eclipse -- > Download

In the next section, we will learn how to write "Hello World" in Python, how to make Comment lines and variables.​




Yeni üye
18 May 2019

"Beginner Python Tutorial" - First part

Hello to everyone,​

I will share short training information and documents about Python with you. These trainings will continue as Beginner - Intermediate and Advanced levels, respectively. Today we will start with the first lesson of our Beginner level training.​

I hope it is useful.​

What is Python?

Python is an object-oriented, interpretative, modular, and interactive high-level programming language.​

Its modular structure supports class string (system) and any data field input. It can run on almost any platform (Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows, Amiga, Symbian).​

You can develop software in many areas such as​

  1. system programming,​

  2. user interface programming,​

  3. network programming,​

  4. web programlama ,​

  5. Python ile uygulama ve veritabanı yazılımı programlama .

Geliştirme, 1990 yılında Amsterdam'da Guido van Rossum tarafından başladı. Sanılanın aksine adını bir yılandan değil, Guido van Rossum'un çok sevdiği Monty Python's Flying Circus adlı altı kişilik İngiliz komedi grubu Monty Python adlı gösteriden almıştır.​

Python, okunması son derece kolay olacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Bu nedenle, örneğin kaşlı ayraçlar yerine girinti kullanılır. Bazı durumlarda kodun ilgili kısmı girintiye gerek kalmadan tek satırda yazılabilir. Böylece Python, program kodunuzu hızlı ve minimum çabayla yazmanıza olanak tanır.​

Python ile neler yapabilir?

  • Web uygulamaları oluşturmak için bir sunucuda kullanılabilir.​

  • İş akışları oluşturmak için yazılımın yanında kullanılabilir.​

  • Veritabanı sistemlerine bağlanabilir. Ayrıca dosyaları okuyabilir ve değiştirebilir.​

  • Büyük verileri işlemek ve karmaşık matematiksel işlemleri gerçekleştirmek için kullanılabilir.​

  • Hızlı prototip oluşturma veya üretime hazır yazılım geliştirme için kullanılabilir.​

Python Kurulumu

Buradan sisteminize uygun versiyonu indirip kurabilirsiniz.​

👉 Python İndir 👈

Python'u sisteminize kurduktan sonra, onaylamak için aşağıdaki adımları izleyin.​

Windows 👉 Win+R --> arama alanına cmd yazın ve çalıştırın. Ardından açılan konsol ekranında --> python --version yazıp Enter'a basın.​

Linux ve Mac için​


Linux'ta komut satırı​

Mac'te Terminal'i açın ve -- > python --version yazın​

Python için Entegre Geliştirme Ortamları (IDE)

Tonny -- > İndir

Pycharm -- > İndir

Netbeans -- > İndir

Eclipse -- > İndir

Bir sonraki bölümde Python'da "Hello World" nasıl yazılır, Comment satırları ve değişkenler nasıl yapılır onu öğreneceğiz.​


Tebrik ederim çevirisi güzel olmuş

Speedy Gonzales

Katılımcı Üye
12 Kas 2021
in every technology system

"Beginner Python Tutorial" - First part

Hello to everyone,​

I will share short training information and documents about Python with you. These trainings will continue as Beginner - Intermediate and Advanced levels, respectively. Today we will start with the first lesson of our Beginner level training.​

I hope it is useful.​

What is Python?

Python is an object-oriented, interpretative, modular, and interactive high-level programming language.​

Its modular structure supports class string (system) and any data field input. It can run on almost any platform (Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows, Amiga, Symbian).​

You can develop software in many areas such as​

  1. system programming,​

  2. user interface programming,​

  3. network programming,​

  4. web programming,​

  5. application and database software programming with Python.​

Development began in 1990 by Guido van Rossum in Amsterdam. Contrary to popular belief, it got its name not from a snake, but from the show Monty Python's Flying Circus, which Guido van Rossum loved so much, a six-man British comedy group called Monty Python.​

Python is designed to be extremely easy to read. So, for example, indentation is used instead of curly braces. In some cases, the relevant part of the code can be written in a single line without the need for indentation. Thus, Python allows you to write your program code quickly and with minimal effort.​

What can it do with Python?

  • It can be used on a server to build web applications.​

  • It can be used alongside software to create workflows.​

  • It can connect to database systems. It can also read and modify files.​

  • It can be used to process big data and perform complex mathematical operations.​

  • It can be used for rapid prototyping or production-ready software development.​

Python Install

From here you can download and install the version suitable for your system.​

👉 Python Download 👈

After installing Python on your system, follow these steps to confirm.​

For Windows 👉 Win+R --> type cmd in the search field and run it. Then in the console screen that opens, type --> python --version and press Enter.​

For Linux and Mac​


command line in Linux​

Open Terminal on Mac and type -- > python --version​

Integrated Development Environments (IDE) for Python

Thonny -- > Download

Pycharm -- > Download

Netbeans -- > Download

Eclipse -- > Download

In the next section, we will learn how to write "Hello World" in Python, how to make Comment lines and variables.​


Good day brother thıs topıc are nice and useful godspeed...


Katılımcı Üye
4 Ocak 2020

"Beginner Python Tutorial" - First part

Hello to everyone,​

I will share short training information and documents about Python with you. These trainings will continue as Beginner - Intermediate and Advanced levels, respectively. Today we will start with the first lesson of our Beginner level training.​

I hope it is useful.​

What is Python?

Python is an object-oriented, interpretative, modular, and interactive high-level programming language.​

Its modular structure supports class string (system) and any data field input. It can run on almost any platform (Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows, Amiga, Symbian).​

You can develop software in many areas such as​

  1. system programming,​

  2. user interface programming,​

  3. network programming,​

  4. web programming,​

  5. application and database software programming with Python.​

Development began in 1990 by Guido van Rossum in Amsterdam. Contrary to popular belief, it got its name not from a snake, but from the show Monty Python's Flying Circus, which Guido van Rossum loved so much, a six-man British comedy group called Monty Python.​

Python is designed to be extremely easy to read. So, for example, indentation is used instead of curly braces. In some cases, the relevant part of the code can be written in a single line without the need for indentation. Thus, Python allows you to write your program code quickly and with minimal effort.​

What can it do with Python?

  • It can be used on a server to build web applications.​

  • It can be used alongside software to create workflows.​

  • It can connect to database systems. It can also read and modify files.​

  • It can be used to process big data and perform complex mathematical operations.​

  • It can be used for rapid prototyping or production-ready software development.​

Python Install

From here you can download and install the version suitable for your system.​

👉 Python Download 👈

After installing Python on your system, follow these steps to confirm.​

For Windows 👉 Win+R --> type cmd in the search field and run it. Then in the console screen that opens, type --> python --version and press Enter.​

For Linux and Mac​


command line in Linux​

Open Terminal on Mac and type -- > python --version​

Integrated Development Environments (IDE) for Python

Thonny -- > Download

Pycharm -- > Download

Netbeans -- > Download

Eclipse -- > Download

In the next section, we will learn how to write "Hello World" in Python, how to make Comment lines and variables.​


nice topic.

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