What's HarmonyOS?


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020


Huawei, Android license was revoked after statements from the US government. Explaining that this is not a problem for the company and users, Huawei announced that they are working on their own operating system and will be ready in a few months. Among its working principles, the artificial intelligence in the operating system that operates with the single core phenomenon aims to manage many electronic items. Speakers and smart displays are in the first place among these electronic devices.

Huawei's operating system will be calles as HarmonyOS from now on. In fact, this name was mentioned more than before, but it became official with Huawei's announcement. HarmonyOS is referred to as "HongmengOS" in Chinese. This name has already been mentioned many times before. "HongmengOS" has been finalized specifically for the Chinese market.

Speaking at the events, Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Group, explained that this operating system can be used in a very wide area and it is the first microkernel-based operating system. Expressing that HarmonyOS is open source, Yu said that they have developed an operating system that developers can easily work on.

Mentioning in which products HarmonyOS can be used in his statements, Yu explained that this operating system can be used in almost every product from advanced products such as smartphones and smart televisions to simple sensors. Also, smart speakers, tablets, automobiles, computers, smart watches and wireless headphones will be able to use the Harmony OS operating system.

Yu've shared almost every detail about the operating system, and said HarmonyOS has a very wide system support. According to Yu's statements HarmonyOS; It will be able to support any application developed based on Android, Linux and HTML5 without any problem. In addition, software languages ​​such as Java, Kotlin, Javascript, C and C++ can be used in the development of this operating system.

Explaining that HarmonyOS will offer fast performance for users, Yu explained that HarmonyOS can work in a wide range of memory, from RAM with kilobyte sizes to RAM with gigabytes.

Their message to Google is clear: "We respect the ecosystem"

Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Group, announced that this operating system is currently ready for use on smartphones, but they respect the ecosystem and partnerships. "Right now, all our smartphones are ready for the transition to HarmonyOS, but we won't do that." Yu said, despite everything that happened, they wanted to stick with Google.

Considering the possible situations, Yu announced that they will start the transition to HarmonyOS if they are unable to use the Android operating system according to the decisions of Google and the USA.

Explaining that Huawei's first device using HarmonyOS will be a smart display system, Yu explained that wearable technological products using this operating system will be launched in the next three years and that they will continue their studies on HarmonyOS for the brain assembly of cars in this process.

The HarmonyOS ecosystem will be made available to developers as fully open source. This will enable the operating system to become widespread on more devices as quickly as possible.

Manufacturers will be able to customize the operating system for their own devices. In addition, while doing this, they will be able to take advantage of all the advantages of the HarmonyOS ecosystem.


Google has been working on Fuchsia OS for years, which is scheduled to replace Android soon. Fuchsia OS, which is planned to work on all kinds of devices with the operation just like Harmony, actually defines an ecosystem. Electronic devices that we will use in the future will use ecosystem-based operating systems, which they gather under the same roof, instead of autonomous operating systems.

That's why Huawei's eye is no longer on a market that has reached saturation point and ended. The company wants to be the biggest alternative to US-based modern ecosystem pioneers such as Google, Microsoft and Apple. This attack of Huawei is the biggest indicator of competition not only among US companies but also globally in the coming years.

Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/harmonyos/1865315-harmonyos-nedir.html
Translator: Dolyetyus

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